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722 - Results of Learning Directions Survey, Video Adds Multi-Voice Context

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - May 9, 2012.
#722 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
55,699 Readers - - twitter: emasie - The MASIE Center.
Host of Leadership Design Studio - Las Vegas, June.

1. Results of Learning Directions Pulse Survey.
2. Short Videos Add Multi-Voice Context.
3. Leadership Development Needs a Fresh Design!

1. Results of Learning Directions Pulse Survey: Over 520 organizations around the world responded to our Learning Directions “Pulse” Survey. The results are quite intriguing and I invite you to look at the detailed replies:

Here are a few of the elements that caught our eye and will be part of our design for both Learning 2012 and the Learning CONSORTIUM:

* 33% of organizations reported they are SHRINKING the use of face-to-face classrooms.
* Greatest planned growth in learning activity mode is in the use of Webinars.
* Strongest interest in change and updates was in Leadership Development.
* While 40% show a strong interest in Social Learning, only 20.1% plan a growing utilization with a strong piloting base.
* Mobile and Tablet Device use for Learning is being piloted by 30.1%

Once again, look at the results at We will do these Pulse Surveys several times a year to help track shifts in our field.

2. Short Videos Add Multi-Voice Context: The MASIE Center is tracking a rise in the use of short videos as a supplement to the learning design process in major organizations. I was recently interviewed about the push towards shorter video segments that feature fellow workers. We believe that one of the key drivers is the desire of the learner to hear CONTEXT from multiple voices. The Standard Operating Procedures can be detailed well by headquarters, but learners, especially ones that are learning asynchronously, seem to desire multiple voices for providing context and work examples of the new content. The more the video segments focus on targeted bursts of context, including the “back story” or “field truth”, the more learner consumption and appreciation grows.

3. Leadership Development Needs a Fresh Design! As you can tell from the Learning Directions Pulse Survey, Leadership Development is a major challenge for organizations with changing demographics and expectations around career paths. Much of what we now do with Leadership Development is often rich with “TRIBAL INDUCTION RITUALS”, which are powerful elements like time with the CEO or sessions with Management Gurus, but is the design of Leadership Development ready for the changing world? We invite you and your colleagues to join a select group of learning professionals at an action session:

LeadershipDev Design Studio!
June 5 and 6 - Las Vegas, NV. .

We will provide a “white board” design experience as colleagues from varied organizations will meet and shape up some very different approaches to Leadership Development, facilitated by myself, Michael Wright from Starbucks and our CLO, Bob Baker. Space is limited and we will roll up our sleeves to look at fresh, global and refocused Leadership Development Designs. 

Yours in learning,

Elliott Masie

MASIE Center Seminars, Events and Services:
* Learning Directions - Dallas or New York City.
* Learning 2012 - Oct 21 - 24, 2012 - Orlando, Florida.
* LeadershipDev Design Studio - June 5 & 6 - Las Vegas, NV.
* New: Video for Learning LAB - July in Saratoga Springs.
* Membership in The Learning CONSORTIUM.
Info and Registration: - twitter: emasie