Learning SandBox Plans for 2020

TO: Learning and Business Colleagues
FROM: Elliott Masie, Chair
RE: 2020 Membership in our Learning ThinkTank & SandBox
Join the Elliott Masie Learning CONSORTIUM, a 22-year-old Learning ThinkTank & Sandbox of over 150 major corporations focused on the ever-changing world of Workplace Learning, Technology, and Innovation!
We include the learning leaders of some of the largest companies in the world (e.g. McDonald’s, Southwest Airlines, Humana, Xerox, UBS Financial Services, etc.). Throughout the year, CONSORTIUM members turn to each other and the staff of the MASIE Center for benchmarking, networking, research, and collaboration. Together, we are evaluating, inventing, revising, and improving the exciting field of learning! This is a community of trust, appropriate confidentiality, and syndicated efforts to enhance the effectiveness of our learning and training efforts.
These are the learning challenges and opportunities we will explore in 2020:
- AI, Automation, & SmarterTech – Building Learning Readiness for AI & More
- Learning Data Analysis – Shifting Metrics & Measures
- EveryDay Learning! From Workflow Support to Learning Cultures
- Learning Innovations: Experiments, Ventures, & New Approaches
- Issues Curated by our Members (e.g. Leadership Development Challenges, Changing Skills, Roles, and Structures for Learning & Development, and more!)
Elliott Masie Learning CONSORTIUM Activities & Benefits:
- Elliott Masie Live Briefing with Your Learning Organization or Business Leaders: Elliott will spend one hour, by video, with members of your Learning Team or your Business Leaders in an interactive discussion of key learning topics, challenges, initiatives, and more.
- Learning Festival – Our 2020 CONSORTIUM Retreat (June 16 and 17): We invite each member organization to send up to 4 key learning professionals to our 2-day annual retreat. We will benchmark and explore best practices on key topics and case studies from members, plus interviews conducted by Elliott Masie with business and global learning leaders.
- Monthly Learning Dialogues and Idea Jams: Each month, there will be a live, interactive video session led by Elliott Masie, Bob Mosher, Richard Culatta, and other MASIE Fellows.
- Learning Sandbox Projects & ThinkTanks: We will organize virtual and physical opportunities for members to think through and explore new technologies and methodologies for learning (e.g. Learning Data Dashboards, Redesigning Webinars, Pulse vs. Testing Assessment Models, Building Curation Skills, Storytelling Skill Development, Virtual Recognition, etc.). Members will work together and with Elliott Masie and members of the CONSORTIUM team.
- Reports and Summaries from Every Major Learning Event: We will share a curated summary from every major learning event in the US and several from around the world, written by Elliott, MASIE Fellows, or other CONSORTIUM members. We will curate content from ATD, CLO, Training, and Learning events.
- Engagement with Global & National Business & Learning Groups: For example, a small cohort of member organizations is already collaborating with Lumina Foundation on its “All Learning Counts” initiative to reskill and upskill the US workforce. Their progress will be shared with the entire membership!
- 100% Vendor Neutral: We remain committed to maintaining a vendor-neutral position in the learning field. As such, we will not make recommendations of any vendor or accept any sponsorship from a learning vendor.
- Video Snapshots from the Field: Elliott and the CONSORTIUM team will conduct video interviews with members who are working on exciting learning initiatives. We will share those videos with the entire membership!
- Targeted Benchmarking: We will invite members to participate in benchmarking dialogues, surveys, and more! Results will be shared with the entire membership.
- Discounts at LABs & Other Events: As a member, you receive discounts for every LAB and event we offer!
Complete details on the Elliott MASIE Learning CONSORTIUM at http://www.masie.com We invite your organization to join us in our ThinkTank & Sandbox in 2020!
Yours in Learning,