
Entries from August 1, 2005 - August 31, 2005


340 - Special Report: CNN Newsroom in the Midst of Katrina - "Rapid Development... Content Objects... Learning Implications"

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - August 31, 2005.
#340 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
50,78 Readers - - The MASIE Center.
Learning 2005: Oct 30 - Nov 2 - Orlando, Florida.

Special Report: CNN Newsroom in the Midst of Katrina "Rapid Development... Content Objects... Learning Implications"

(Atlanta - August 30) I spent a powerful morning at CNN Headquarters here in Atlanta. The trip had been scheduled for several weeks in order to prepare for the Learning Innovations award that we will presenting to CNN at Learning 2005 later this Fall.

It turned out that the visit happened one day after Katrina hit and the news tempo turned to "breaking news" with real time news content flowing at an incredible pace.

There were some incredible learnings and observations as I quietly watched the news gathering and assembly process and interviewed the Learning team at CNN. Many of these items relate directly to how organizations will be assembling content in the near future:

* Content From Multiple and Unconventional Sources: The nature of content in journalism is changing dramatically as media flows from non-traditional sources. CNN calls an aspect of this "Citizen Journalism" as they receive pictures and video feeds from digital cameras and even mobile phones. While I was standing in the newsroom, there were hundreds of Citizen Journalists feeding content in real time. Each had to be categorized, verified and placed into context. Ironically, many viewers actually see the amateur content as having high credibility, given its non-professional nature. Context is high and the challenge is to integrate this informal content with produced segments.

* Content To Multiple Formats: As content was created in the CNN newsroom, it flowed to multiple formats. Content started as video feeds, became streamed video, text on the website and even a mention for a scroll at the bottom of the screen. Each piece of content was "tagged" as it came into the newsroom, timecoded, meta-tags were added with context and it could be viewed by CNN staff around the world in low-res format. The concept was to see each media object as being highly reusable and redeployable.

* Digital News Gathering: The footprint and format for news production is changing radically as the size and mobility of equipment evolves radically. I watched newsfeeds coming from CNN reporters using satellite phones (after the cell network dropped). They were even feeding content that was edited on laptops in the field using Final Cut Pro. The reduction in equipment has allowed content to be created and advanced in the field rather than back at headquarters.

* Content Repository: CNN operates a content and media repository that is quite impressive. The content objects are viewable, editable and sharable. Key levels of data is kept for how each object is being used and deployed. Digital Rights Management is tracked, to honor the appropriate use of each media object. I was struck by how easily every CNN staff person could access and work with this content repository.

* Learning for Performance: The CNN Technology Training team integrates learning about these systems with training on their work processes and methods. Their learning programs focused on the combination of systems knowledge, team work/collaboration and newsroom work processes. Most of the trainers were seasoned newsroom professionals and they provided this intensive training to everyone, including the CNN anchors. I saw the anchors personally accessing the same content and "flow systems" during short breaks from their on-camera segments.

* Rapid Development: While CNN clearly has a breaking news model, it was fascinating to watch this process in action, including use of templates, collaborative and team-based editing and content refinement, focus on content ethics, standards and legal/compliance issues. I witnessed a team of professionals, drawn from a wide set of backgrounds, deeply focused on producing content that had value for viewers and the hurricane's victims.

CNN will be presented the Learning Innovations Award at Learning 2005.
Grace Dyson, leader for the CNN Technology Training team, will review their learning approaches. I want to thank Grace and her team for allowing me to witness their process in action on this sad day. I have more to process from this field trip, but that will wait for another day.

Learning TRENDS readers wanting to donate funds for Katrina Relief, go to

Our prayers are with Learning TRENDS colleagues and families in the path of the horrible disaster. Donation for Katrina Relief can be made at

Yours in learning,

Elliott Masie

339 - The 1 Pager vs. Loads of Slides in Sessions; Tips for Trainers: BlueTooth Keyboards for Shared Content/Control

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - August 28, 2005.
#339 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
50,745 Readers - - The MASIE Center.
Learning 2005: Oct 30 - Nov 2 - Orlando, Florida.

1. The 1 Pager vs. Loads of Slides in Sessions.
2. Tips for Trainers: BlueTooth Keyboards for Shared Content/Control.
3. New Book - "Learning: Rants, Raves & Reflections" - Just Published.

1. The 1 Pager vs. Loads of Slides in Sessions: At Learning 2005, every session will only have one slide. Yup, a 1 Pager.

One of my pet peeves is the way in which one hour sessions at events overpromise the content to be addressed. And, when leaders roll out a two dozen slide presentation, there goes the interaction.

So, we are changing the model by dousing the overhead projector, placing the 1 Pagers on interactive wiki's for pre and post viewing/expansion and limiting the session leaders to a 1 Pager. Check out the design model and implications for this at

2. Tips for Trainers - BlueTooth Keyboards for Shared Content/Control: I have recently switched the keyboard and mouse in my classroom at The MASIE Center to a wireless BlueTooth version. This allows for both wide ranging mobility for the trainers in our classes, but it also starts to shift the ability of the learners to add their own content and share the control of the activity. The keyboard and mouse are easily handed to any learner in the room to use. It lets a group brainstorm at a table and document the results on the large screen in front of the class. I have also thrown away the fixed podium and use a standup table on wheels, so that the trainer location can be moved easily to any place in the room.

3. New Book - "Learning: Rants, Raves & Reflections" - Just Published: I am pleased to announce a new book, Learning: Rants, Raves and Reflections, has been published by Pfeiffer/Wiley. I am the editor of this collection of essays by Learning Executives from companies including McDonald's, Secret Service, IBM, BankOne, Saudi Aramco, AutoDesk, Pitney Bowes, Wachovia and Michelin. Every participant at Learning 2005 will receive a free copy of this 310 page hardcover book. If you are interested in ordering a copy, go to

Upcoming MASIE Center Events & Services:
* Extreme Learning LAB: Sept 12-14 - Saratoga Springs, NY.
* Membership in the LEARNING CONSORTIUM.
* Learning 2005 - Oct 30-Nov 2 - Orlando, Florida.
Information at

Learning University 6

TO: Training & Learning Colleagues.
FROM: Elliott Masie - Learning 2005 University.
DATE: August 25, 2005.
RE: 2 Free Content Segments: Buying Learning Issues and Personalization of Learning

Dear Colleagues,

The pace quickens for the ramp to Learning 2005. I am pleased to release two additional free content segments in Audio, PodCast and Text Formats:

* Personalization of Learning: An interview with Wayne Hodgins, learning futurist, on the critical challenges of making content more personalized.
Wayne discusses the why, how and who of Learning Personalization.

* Buying Content? Procurement Challenges & Broken RFPs: This is my "rant" on how broken some of the procurement and RFP (Request for Proposal) Process is in the learning marketplace. It is the start of a discussion of new approaches to shopping for and buying learning content, services and systems.

Go to:

for these Streamed Audio, PodCast or Text Transcript Segments.

Learning 2005 Update:
* Over 1,275 colleagues registered.
* We are pleased to announce that every participant at Learning 2005 will receive a copy of our new hardcover book: Learning Rants, Raves & Reflections, which includes passionate positions from a dozen learning leaders around the world.
* Kathleeen Kennedy Townsend is building a fascinating session that will look at the styles of how our corporate and national leaders learn on a day to day basis. "Profiles in Learning" will be a highly interactive process and activity!
* Learning 2005 - Oct 30 to Nov 2 - Orlando, Florida, USA -

338 - Tiger Woods Learning Center Foundation Featured at Learning 2005!

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - August 22, 2005.
#338 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
50,738 Readers - - The MASIE Center.
Learning 2005: Oct 30 - Nov 2 - Orlando, Florida.

Tiger Woods Learning Center Foundation Featured at Learning 2005!

We are proud to announce the Tiger Woods Learning Center Foundation will be the recipient of a major donation at Learning 2005 for their wonderful work in creating an interactive, asset-driven learning environment for youth with diverse backgrounds.

Kathy Bihr, Executive Director of the Tiger Woods Learning Center Foundation and Keith Hester, Director at the Tiger Woods Foundation, will also be on hand to talk about the Learning Center and will follow up with more information in their breakout session. For more information, please visit

Elliott Masie: I am very psyched to be supporting the Tiger Woods Learning Foundation with a donation from the tuitions of the Learning 2005 participants and am encouraging our colleagues to support this innovative non-profit effort.

For information and registration for Learning 2005:

Learning University 5

TO: Training & Learning Colleagues.
FROM: Elliott Masie - Learning 2005 University.
DATE: August 17, 2005.
RE: Social Networking & The World of Learning - Free Audio Segment, PodCast and Text Transcript.

Social Networking capacities are being enhanced in organizations through:

* Updated Collaboration Systems and Methods.
* Extensions of Knowledge Management.
* Applying Talent Management to Social Networking.
* Use of Social Networking Software for Learning.

Here is a segment that explores the important role that Learning Professionals and Learning Departments will play in the emerging field of Social Networking. I have just taped a free 7 minute audio segment for Streaming, transfer to your iPoD. Or, you can read the text transcript.
Go to:

Go to:

Learning 2005 Update:
* Over 1,275 Colleagues registered for Learning 2005.
* No special fees for pre-workshops or special academies. Everyone registered gets an "All Access Pass!"
* Special ERP & Learning Focus: We will explore the important role that Learning plays as organizations increase their use of ERP Systems.
* Reading Rooms at Learning 2005: Take some quiet time to explore in our special reading rooms at the event. Or, get interactive in our Book Clubs around key titles related to our field.
* Additional Learning Radar Screen Session: We have just added a section on Talent and Competency Management Models.
* Beyond Corporate University! We will take a frank look at the next phase for Corporate Universities. What do they become over the next few years?

Learning 2005 (Oct 30 - Nov 2 - Orlando) information:

337 - e-Learning from Home: TRENDS Readers Responses

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - August 16, 2005.
#337 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
50,719 Readers - - The MASIE Center.
Learning 2005: Oct 30 - Nov 2 - Orlando, Florida.

e-Learning from Home: TRENDS Readers Responses

This summary compiles representative responses related to corporate policy concerning at-home access to e-Learning from our TRENDS readers in a variety of industries. All names and organizations have been kept confidential.

" � Workers are neither encouraged nor discouraged from accessing e-learning from home, though they have access to it. I'm not aware of any policy on accessing from home."

" � Hourly workers do not complete mandatory (assigned in their Learning
Plan) online learning from home. They are paid for the time spent completing online courses while at work. Sometimes they stay past their work hours or come in early but they are paid (overtime issues here too).
However, they are allowed to take online courses from home if the courses are elective."

" � Access to a company owned and operated Learning Portal is available to both salaried and hourly employees for access during and after working hours. Employees are given access to libraries of content and encouraged to participate in self-directed professional development."

" � All employees are given an e-learning license with access to a library of business, career, personal, as well as PC End User and technical computer courses, if they and their supervisor can agree upon a minimum of 20 hours of job-related courses to be completed during the normal workday, within the license period of a year via a respectable third-party provider ... Employees are free to take all other courses at home, or at work-provided PCs before/after work, or during breaks and lunches ... we do not pay them overtime, nor can a supervisor mandate, for job-related e-learning at home."

" � Our company (IT division supporting a major specialty retailer) allows all workers, including hourly people) to access e-learning from home via a network connection or the ability to download courses to a CD-ROM for use off-line. Although there are business-critical activities that are accomplished on company time, we firmly believe that associates drive their own career development. Giving them access to a wide variety of business and technical training online empowers them to self-driven learning, vs. mandated."

" � My company has no e-learning. But HR has stonewalled my offer to provide a voluntary lunchtime "drop-in" for all employees. I'd have a PC setup, a demo topic for the day that'd take only 5 minutes to loop through continuously (so people could come when they want and only "lose" a few minutes of lunch), and I'd field any questions anyone had about anything.
Turns out the reason I get the cold shoulder instead of "OK" is that at one time in the past a manager had strongly implied to a worker that they really needed to attend what was provided as such a voluntary training on the employees' unpaid time... and it resulted in a legal complaint. So all it takes is one bad apple and the lawyers to kill learning dead in its tracks!"

" � The real question from the compensation professionals is most likely "Are they really learning or just billing extra hours?" I believe there is an easy answer to this question. A standard can be established and governed via an LMS, one that reports to the HRMS and ultimately compensates the learner for only the amount of instructional content time embedded in each learning activity, perhaps with some buffer (say 15 minutes for entering and leaving the activity). The compensation would apply to only a single attempt / exposure of the learning activity remotely. Ideally, all activities should have some type of assessment
and/or completion indicator. All subsequent learner attempts and
exposure to the same learning activity would only be compensated at work, not at home. "

" � The policy we have used for home access is fairly simple � Due to possible union issues we ask that we receive an e-mail with a copy to the user's supervisor and HR office authorizing its use on personal time. Then we provide the required (URL). In some extreme cases we have had customer agencies draft a memorandum of understanding that the user must sign."

" � The resources within the website are elective, in other words, they are not "required or assigned". Working with our employment lawyers, we drafted a policy/notice that each person must agree to when they login to the site. The notice states that the resources offered within the website are to build on individual strengths. They are meant to supplement training or provide professional development. Compensation is not provided for these elective courses/resources. However, if the employee has an limited (hourly) status, and if a course is assigned by a supervisor, then
1) the supervisor must provide time, during normal working hours to take the course, or 2) if the course is to be taken outside of normal working hours, then the worker must receive prior authorization to take the course on an overtime basis."

" � Our company employs approximately 25,000 employees, and we do not suggest or require our hourly employees take e-courses from home due to the issues around timekeeping/compensation. Possible issues we are concerned about include: 1) Possible liability if employees do not notify us of time worked at home; 2) Potential for employees to inaccurately state time worked from home and be overcompensated; and 3) Potential liability if managers tell employees training is mandatory even if company policy is that it is optional."

"�This is what our attorney said: "Where an e-learning module is required we absolutely must compensate an employee for time spent taking the class.
On the other hand, where a module is voluntary and arguably is expending the employee's skill set for broader purposes than just the job, time spent taking the class is not "compensable" time and could be taken from home without concern about the pay issue". We don't have a formal policy and I suspect there are violations of this general guideline all the time."

" � We do not allow hourly employee access to e-learning while at home because it is considered compensable time � We have been audited on several occasions and this is one of the areas they examine to see where our "control points" are in place. Since our LMS and all content is only accessible inside our firewall, it allows us to ensure that employees have to be "on the clock" when accessing e-learning. In addition, it ensures that we can accurately pay hourly workers for their time "working" - which includes participation in e-learning events and courses sponsored by the company."

" � My experience has been that companies avoid offering access from home for fear of being accused of forcing workers to learn in their own time.
Thus they have made e-learning available but in a non-compulsory and non-advertised way. In two major cases with which I am familiar, the take-up has been spectacular. Workers want to learn! They want a chance to improve their qualifications and knowledge. If they can do this from home, in their own time, for only the cost of their ISP connect fees, they are happy to do so. In one case an Asian-speaking worker learned English skills and then studied English technical skills courses and got promoted.
In another case an office cleaner was refused time off to attend courses for higher skilled jobs within the company but did the courses online form home and passed and graduated to a much higher skilled job."

" � We do not have a formal policy around hourly workers access to e-learning from home as haven't offered e-learning to date. However, our restaurants are crying out for it. Plus, the need is there, especially for new hires."

Note From Elliott: Thanks to the vast number of TRENDS readers who responded to this question. As you can see, there are a range of views and policies about at-home access. We will be creating a Task Force at Learning 2005 to look at corporate policy and legal issues concerning at-home access to e-Learning. Stay tuned!

Upcoming MASIE Center Events:
* Learning 2005 - Oct 30 to Nov 2 - Orlando, Florida.
* Extreme Learning LAB - Sept 12-14 - Saratoga Springs, NY.
Complete info and registration:

336 - A Whole New Mind

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - August 11, 2005.
#336 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
50,712 Readers - - The MASIE Center.
Host of Learning 2005: Oct 30 - Nov 2 - Orlando, Florida.

1. A Whole New Mind - Moving from the Information Age to the Conceptual Age - Here is a interview, in text or audio streamed/PodCast format, with Dan Pink, author of a great new book - A Whole New Mind - Moving from the
Information Age to the Conceptual Age. Based on feedback from our
readers, all of our interviews and segments will now be transcribed for reading, downloadable as well as streamable.

Go to:

2. Learning 2005 Brochure Available: If you would like to see the newest Learning 2005 brochure, it is a available as a PDF (3 Megs). Go to:

These are also heading to you in the mail, but some folks asked for an earlier digital copy.

Upcoming MASIE Center Events:
* Learning 2005
* Extreme Learning Lab
Go to: for information

335 - e-Learning from Home for Hourly Workers?; Subject Matter Expert (SME) Burnout!

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - August 8, 2005.
#335 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
50,687 Readers - - The MASIE Center.
Host of Learning 2005: Oct 30 - Nov 2 - Orlando, Florida.

1. e-Learning from Home for Hourly Workers?
2. Subject Matter Expert (SME) Burnout!

1. e-Learning from Home for Hourly Workers? A regular question that we receive from TRENDS Readers concerns the legality of workers accessing corporate e-Learning from home, on their own time. At the heart of the question is compensation! Most corporations have stated that hourly workers cannot access skills based e-Learning while not on the clock (either at work or from home). There seems to be greater variation in how organization's positions on HR benefit focused e-Learning. And, some organizations allow workers to access career enhancing content on an optional basis. We'd like to compile a short article for TRENDS on your organization's policy related to at-home access to e-Learning. We will not use your corporate name. Just send me a note to

2. SME Burnout & Evaporation - Challenge in Times of Rapid Learning
Development: There is a lot of burnout in SME (Subject Matter Expert) land. Faster development, more development and leaner staffs have made some of our your best Subject Matter Experts "toasted" and diving for
cover. Some are caught between their work as a SME and their own
performance goals and assessment. We just created a free 10 minute Audio Pod/Cast on Subject Matter Expert Burnout. It is easy to stream or

Learning 2005 Update: Over 1,100 colleagues registered! New content just added from Deepak Sethi on "India's Learning Industry" and "Talent, Retention and On-Boarding Perspectives". Complete info at

Upcoming MASIE Center Events:
* Learning 2005 - October 30 - November 2 - Orlando, Florida.
* Extreme Learning LAB - September - Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 Info at: or

Learning 2005 University 4

TO: Training & Learning Colleagues.
FROM: Elliott Masie - Learning 2005 University.
DATE: August 5, 2005.
RE: Learning in the Developing World - Interview with Linda English, Save the Children: Free Audio Segment & PodCast.

We just completed an audio interview with Linda English of Save the Children. Linda talks about the challenges and myths about learning trends in the developing world. For example:

* Delivering learning to workers in relief camps.
* The role of internet cafes.
* The verbal tradition and learning.
* LINGOs - consortium of agencies focused on learning.
* Future trends in learning in the developing world.

8 Minute Audio Stream or PodCast.

Go to:

You can either listen to this as a stream, download it or PodCast it to your iPod or MP3 Player.

Learning 2005 Update:
* Over 1,125 Colleagues registered for Learning 2005.
* Bob Pike, Creative Training Techniques, will be co-hosting our new Learning Hall of Fame.
* Rick Gilbert will present an interactive session called - Talking to the Big Dogs - focused on learning professionals interfacing with the "C"
level suite.
* Graham Higgins, Learning Officer from Cathay Pacific Airlines, will focus on Learning in Asia.
* Dick Sethi, HR Strategist, will structure an interview from India on their approach to learning and outsourcing.
* Beth Thomas, Chief Learning Officer, will be organizing a Women in Learning session.

Learning 2005 (Oct 30 - Nov 2 - Orlando) information:

334 - SumTotal Acquires Pathlore - LMS Consolidation Continues & Audio Interview: Marshall Goldsmith

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - August 3, 2005.
#334 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
50,612 Readers - - The MASIE Center.
Host of Learning 2005: Oct 30 - Nov 2 - Orlando, Florida.

1. FLASH: SumTotal Acquires Pathlore - LMS Consolidation Continues.
2. Audio Interview: Marshall Goldsmith - Leadership as a Contact Sport.

1. FLASH: SumTotal Acquires Pathlore - LMS Consolidation Continues: We just received news of the latest consolidation in the Learning Systems Space. SumTotal is buying Pathlore. Here is a blurb from the news that we just received:

"SumTotal Systems�, Inc. (Nasdaq: SUMTE) and Pathlore� Software Corporation, two leading enterprise software companies in the learning and business performance management market, today announced the signing of a definitive merger agreement for SumTotal to acquire Pathlore for approximately $48 million. At the closing of the acquisition, Pathlore shareholders will receive approximately $29 million in cash and 4 million shares of SumTotal Systems common stock. The merger reinforces SumTotal's position as the largest software provider in the emerging learning and performance management market and is expected to provide its collective customers even greater resources for support and product innovation."

For details go to:
This continues the consolidation in this space. Watch for at least one more major deal before the end of 2006.

2. Audio Interview: Marshall Goldsmith - Leadership as a Contact Sport:
We just taped an interview with Marshall Goldsmith, one of the leading management experts in the country, a key coach to CEO's and one of the "key thinkers" at Learning 2005. In a six-minute audio interview via streaming or as a PodCast, Marshall talks about looking at Leadership as a Contact Sport and talks about the challenges of traditional leadership development. You can listen to this free interview at:

Upcoming MASIE Center Events:
* Learning 2005 - October 30 - November 2 - Orlando, Florida
* Extreme Learning LAB - September - Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 Info at: or

333 - Mobile Learning Perspectives: Free Audio Briefing; A Whole New Mind - Great Book

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - August 1, 2005.
#333 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
50,599 Readers - - The MASIE Center.
Host of Learning 2005: Oct 30 - Nov 2 - Orlando, Florida.

1. Mobile Learning Perspectives: Free Audio Briefing.
2. A Whole New Mind - Great Book.
3. Bob Pike Featured at Learning 2005.

1. Mobile Learning Perspectives - Free Audio Briefing: One of the next major changes in the world of e-Learning will be the rise of Mobile Learning. The use of cell phones, PDA's, handhelds and other devices for Learning holds some interesting promise. I just taped a free 13 minute audio briefing on the current and future direction of Mobile Learning, from repurposed e-Learning to device-based collaboration models:

2. A Whole New Mind - Great Book: I just finished a great book: "A Whole New Mind," by Daniel Pink. He writes about moving from the Information Age to the Conceptual Age. Pink details six essential abilities: Design, Story, Symphony, Empathy, Play and Meaning. This is a very cool read.

3. Bob Pike Featured at Learning 2005: I am pleased to announce that a good friend and colleague, Bob Pike, will be joining us as a featured speaker at Learning 2005. Bob, who is one of the foremost thinkers on enhancing classroom and on-line learning experiences, will join us in Orlando as we roll out the new "Learning Hall of Fame." In addition, Bob will lead a set of sessions looking at ways in which learning can address business mistakes. Information and registration at