
Entries from November 1, 2007 - November 30, 2007


490 - Funnybone; Mali; Zero G and Free Content

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - Nov 25, 2007.
#490 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
54,039 Readers - - The MASIE Center.

1. Funnybone Problems - Where is the Learning?
2. Zero G - Weightless Learnings
3. More Free Content On-Line

1. Funnybone Problems - Where is the Learning? A not very funny thing happened to my funnybone this Friday. I fell in our house and broke my elbow, cracking my funnybone. A few weeks in cast and splint and all should be better, but it was interesting to find a distinct lack of online learning when I needed it:

* How to Shower: Planning to take a shower and not getting my cast wet was actually pretty funny. I went online, assuming that I would find some online learning to help. Nope! One small wiki listing, but nothing graphic to advise me on the fine art of wrapping a cast and planning the shower.
* Sleeping with a Cast: Once again, nothing there.

It made me think about how cool it would be to have a User Generated Content section with illustrated e-Learning for these tasks that are unfamiliar to us, yet mighty important!

2. Zero G - Weightless Learnings: Two weeks ago, my wife Cathy and I had an incredible experience - weightlessness. We were passengers on the Zero G flight, which gave us 15 segments of weightlessness. Cathy and I both dreamed of being astronauts from our childhood. Flying rapidly up and down between 24,000 and 36,000 feet, our special 737 plane gave the 30 of us Zero Gravity experiences for 40 seconds at a time for 15 "parabolic" movements.

It was one of the most incredible experiences of our lives. We were all kids again, floating, eating floating M & M's and doing a series of weightless experiences. If you want to take a peak at our flight, there are pictures and video at

3. More Free Content On-Line: We have added another 12 hours of video and audio content from our Learning 2007 event, including keynotes from Dan Pink, Bobby Flay, Wharton Faculty and Ken Blanchard. Check it out at

Upcoming Courses at The MASIE Center:
* Learning Leaders Academy.
* Performance Support Lab.
* Learning Systems 2008.
Check for dates and registration at later this week.
Email to Elliott at

489 - Learning Gives Back!

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - Nov 09 , 2007.
#489 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
54,021 Readers - - The MASIE Center.

This is our first Learning TRENDS after Learning 2007. I took some time
off to relax and reflect, following our event that hosted 2,087 learning
colleagues from around the world. In the coming weeks, we will be posting
a selection of Video, PodCasts and Resources from Learning 2007. Here are
a sample of a few that are already on-line:

* Content and Video From Keynotes & Sessions:
* Pictures Galore - Over 1,300 Pictures:
* Save The Dates - Learning 2008 - Oct 26 to 29, Orlando, Florida

1. LEARNING Gives Back! We were honored to raise over $50,000 from the
participants of Learning 2007 to donate Malaria Prevention Mosquito Nets
for use in Africa. The check was presented to Melinda Doolittle, our
favorite American Idol, and Scott Case from Malaria No More. Next week, we
will reach out to Learning TRENDS readers with a request to help in this
campaign. 3,000 die every day from Malaria, preventable with a $10 net.

In mid-December, Cathy and Elliott Masie will be flying to Mali to help
present the more than 5,000 nets that were donated by the Learning
Profession. We have launched a new effort called "Learning Gives Back" to
focus the giving from our field on an annual effort. Information at:

Yours in Learning,
