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Learning University 5

TO: Training & Learning Colleagues.
FROM: Elliott Masie - Learning 2005 University.
DATE: August 17, 2005.
RE: Social Networking & The World of Learning - Free Audio Segment, PodCast and Text Transcript.

Social Networking capacities are being enhanced in organizations through:

* Updated Collaboration Systems and Methods.
* Extensions of Knowledge Management.
* Applying Talent Management to Social Networking.
* Use of Social Networking Software for Learning.

Here is a segment that explores the important role that Learning Professionals and Learning Departments will play in the emerging field of Social Networking. I have just taped a free 7 minute audio segment for Streaming, transfer to your iPoD. Or, you can read the text transcript.
Go to:

Go to:

Learning 2005 Update:
* Over 1,275 Colleagues registered for Learning 2005.
* No special fees for pre-workshops or special academies. Everyone registered gets an "All Access Pass!"
* Special ERP & Learning Focus: We will explore the important role that Learning plays as organizations increase their use of ERP Systems.
* Reading Rooms at Learning 2005: Take some quiet time to explore in our special reading rooms at the event. Or, get interactive in our Book Clubs around key titles related to our field.
* Additional Learning Radar Screen Session: We have just added a section on Talent and Competency Management Models.
* Beyond Corporate University! We will take a frank look at the next phase for Corporate Universities. What do they become over the next few years?

Learning 2005 (Oct 30 - Nov 2 - Orlando) information:

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