1031 - Curation: New Focus and Name Needed; ID Learning Folks in Business Units; AI/Learning in China Briefings

Elliott Masie’s Learning TRENDS - November 19, 2019
#1,031 Updates on Learning, Business & Technology Since 1997.
58,564 Readers - www.masie.com - The MASIE Center.
Host: Curation & Learning LAB: Dec 4 to 6 - Saratoga Springs, NY.
1. Curation: New Focus and New Name Needed
2. Identify and Connect with Learning Colleagues in the Business Units
3. AI in Learning: Visit and Briefings in China
1. Curation: New Focus and New Name Needed!
Our employees are often overwhelmed by the range, scope and diversity of content, context, collaboration and knowledge resources and experiences. Curation is a term that the learning field is using to OPTIMIZE the search, storage, recommendation and leveraging of the right content at the right moment in the right format.
Curation includes the ability of your employees to create content that can be found, evaluated and used by other colleagues. Curation could provide a learner with a range of options (from internal and external sources) that include recommendations, ratings and content.
Curation will involve new strategies, new tools, new tagging systems and new skills - for learning professionals, for content creators, for knowledge managers and even for our employees and learners.
And, we should take a close look at the word “curation”. While it is a term that describes the process - I do not sense that it has been well adopted by employees. Perhaps we need to seek a better and more upbeat term.
If you are intrigued by Curation and Learning - consider attending our upcoming LAB in Saratoga Springs on December 4 to 6th. Details and registration at http://www.masie.com
2. Identify and Connect with Learning Colleagues in the Business Units: There are probably dozens or more learning colleagues that work for your organization who are outside of the L&D Department.
Increasingly, learning skills are needed in business units. Often, they recruit learning professionals to join their group and add learning perspectives on a local basis. Sometimes, the learning professional has a non-learning job title, such as Sales Manager, but in fact performs a learning and performance role.
It is time to locate the widest circle of Learning Colleagues and build a connected network of contacts and resources. Often, when I visit a company to give a speech on learning, several folks pop up who are unknown to the L&D director - but are functioning in the business units.
They are your advocates, your colleagues and perhaps your future managers. Connect!
3. AI in Learning: Visit and Briefings in China: On December 15th, I will be visiting Beijing, China for a series of meetings with Chinese companies, universities and learning organizations. My colleague, Serene Wang, and I will be drilling down on how AI will connect with Learning.
If you have any colleagues in China, we would love to connect. I would love to meet them in the Beijing area. Send me a note to emasie@masie.com
Yours in learning,
Elliott Masie
Email: emasie@masie.com
Twitter: @emasie
MASIE Center Seminars, Events and Services - Go to www.masie.com for Details:
- Curation & Learning LAB - Dec 4 to 6, Saratoga Springs, NY
- Membership in the Elliott Masie Learning CONSORTIUM
Learning TRENDS is produced by The MASIE Center. 95 Washington Street, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866