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6 - A Complete TV Production Studio in a $5,000 PC!; Tips for Preventing Trainer Burnout!

(1) A Complete TV Production Studio in a $5,000 PC! One of the hottest new products introduced at COMDEX is Trinity from Play, Inc. Imagine a Windows based hardware/software solution that will allow you to mix up to eight video images, produce special effects, even add chroma-keying (the type of effects that the weather broadcaster uses to stand in front of a map). And, it is all done in a $5,000 device. This functionality would have been tens of thousands of dollars a few days ago! Apply this to video conferencing or to the development of worksite web based training modules and it is an intriguing invention. Trinity will not be shipped for about 8 to 12 weeks. Check out their web site at

(2) Tips for Preventing Trainer Burnout! There are four major suggestions that The MASIE Center provides for preventing trainer burnout. A) Diversity of Task: Make sure that each trainer is teaching more than a single topic. The most rapid path to burnout is repetition and boredom. B) Diversity of Process: Develop multiple activities to teach the same topic. Same class but different activities, even content sequence. C) Feedback and Development: Trainers that are continually focusing on improving their training skills and content skills have the lowest levels of burnout. Trainers with managers that provide rich feedback and coaching last the longest. D) Career Vision: Trainers that can imagine a career that goes beyond the current job task survive the short-term stresses of training.

(3) DISCUSSION ANYONE? Join the TechLearn Discussion Board. Go to and click on TechLearn Chat. High energy conversations about technology and learning.

The Road to On-Line Learning LAB & Seminar will be held in Saratoga Springs, New York on September 12th and 13th. This is a unique, non-commercial, hands-on lab for managers and decision makers taught by Elliott Masie. Special rates for MASIE Center members. For information and registration: or 800-98-MAISE.

TechLearn 1998 Dates Announced: November 15 to 18, 1998 at Walt Disney
World in Orlando, Florida. Registrations now being accepted at 800-98-MASIE

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