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107 - Colleges Tackle Future of On-Line Learning Head-On

1. Colleges Tackle Future of On-Line Learning Head-On: I have the honor
of spending today with the 500 faculty, staff and administrators of Fox
Valley Technical College in Wisconsin. They are an institution targeted
at the employability of the students in their region, offering technical
education programs in 60 topic areas. It is intriguing that they have
made their once-a-year in-service program totally focused on the issue of
using technology in learning. Here are their primary targets, based on
feedback from the faculty:

a) Building resource centers for the classroom based courses of their
students b) Expanding the reach of courses to learners that can't make it
to campus for classes c) Linking with other institutions offering parallel

The faculty are moving as a group to stronger internet content, they have
almost 1,000 computers on the network in labs for students and faculty and
strong interest in deploying content. Today's effort is mainly aimed at
faculty development, to build stronger confidence and vision in the future
of learning with technology. It is great to see support from the words of
their President to Faculty to Staff on this issue. It may be hard to
move institutions into new models, but when groups like this tackle the
future head on, it is inspiring.

2. Learning Quotation: Sandy Koufax: From today's New York Times, thanks
to reader, Robert Gilvey:

"When Sandy Koufax was asked today about his budding relationship with the
Mets' left-hander Al Leiter, the Hall of Fame pitcher replied:'There's an
old saying in teaching:when the pupil is ready, the teacher will show up."

3. Learning Decisions '99 Adds Faculty: We are pleased to announce that
Mark Rosenberg, past president of ISPI and Wayne Hodgins, president of
CEdMA will be joining our Core Faculty at LEARNING DECISIONS '99, along
with Peter Jones from Chase Manhattan and Robert Reich, former Secretary
of Labor. The conference will be held in Las Vegas on May 12 to 14, 1999.

We already have 145 participants and the limit is 285 learning and
training decision makers. For complete information and on-line
applications, please go to

4. TechLearn Trends Now Available in Spanish: We are pleased to announce
that a Spanish edition of TechLearn Trends is now available, edited by
INFOTEC from Mexico. If you would like to subscribe to the Spanish
edition, please send an email to If you would like to
translate to an additional language, please send an email to Mucho gracias, INFOTEC.

5. Keyboard Macro Program for Trainers: One of the challenges of a
high-volume of emails from learners is responding to email. We have been
using a cool program called Perfect Keyboard. It lets you set up
unlimited macros for use in email and other Windows applications. You
can download a demo at

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