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137 - Acceptance of Current State Quality & Coaching Delivered Via Technology

1. Acceptance of Current State Quality: I was using my cell phone and was
struck by how we accept current quality as a transitional state when it
comes to certain technologies. I know that my cell phone is not what I saw
on Star Trek. Commander Kirk never said to Scotty that he was moving
through cells and could he call him back. The cell phone is wonderful. It
works and it is now so small I wear it on my belt. BUT, I accept the
current state quality as a necessary compromise. I know that SOMEDAY this
technology will sound better than my home phone and I will always be in
range. The current state of quality has not slowed down the vast explosion
of this technology. We use it for what it is and have full confidence that
it will keep getting better and better.

The same can or cannot apply to learning technologies. When I go to a
website to see a streamed video presentation, I fluctuate between acceptance
of the current state and sometimes fleeing when the bandwidth drops too low.
Our users may be seeing the glass as half full or moaning that it is half
empty. I would be interested in TechLearn Readers comments on acceptance
of current state quality. Can you send a note to and we
will publish the results next week.

2. Free Seminar for Associations on The Impact of Technology. The
traditional association is being challenged and sometimes even threatened by
technology. The MASIE Center and The Washington Speakers Bureau are
collaborating on a FREE seminar for associations that I will present on
Thursday, November 18th from 10 am to Noon in Washington, DC. We will
explore how associations meetings and publications are altering in the
Digital Age. I will present a number of models for calibrating the
association to new expectations and opportunities. This seminar is for
non-profit and association employees. Go to
and select "The Executive Technology Briefing" option on the home page to

3. Coaching Delivered Via Technology: Granular Elements of Coaching &
Consulting: Watch for innovations in the field of coaching and consulting
delivered in smaller chunks, via technology. Imagine a CEO who needs
coaching on a key topic. Why not provide that via video-conferencing or
even internet based collaboration. Imagine a consultant who is really
needed for 2 hours, but sells their services on a day rate. Imagine being
able to access their expertise, via technology, on a more granular basis.

This is really all about on-line knowledge transfer and new business models
for coaching/consulting. Marshall Goldsmith, one of world's foremost
authorities in helping leaders achieve positive, measurable change in
behavior: for themselves, their people and their teams, is pioneering in
this area. Marshall and I will demonstrate video based coaching at
TechLearn '99. Marshall will be in California and will conduct a one hour
coaching session via a real time videoconferencing hookup. (His web site is Watch for more coaching and consulting
services to be offered in this medium.

4. NetPodium Acquired by Intervu: INTERVU Inc, a leading service provider
for Internet audio and video delivery solutions, today announced a
definitive agreement to acquire privately-held Netpodium Inc., a
Seattle-based innovator of live, interactive Web-based communication
software and event hosting services. The acquisition will expand the company
's audio and video Internet broadcasting offerings in the business services

Netpodium's Web Events technology is an interactive, Web-centric solution
that integrates streaming media platforms from Microsoft and Real Networks
to enable users to broadcast their messages to thousands, while
simultaneously interacting with audiences in a virtual auditorium setting.
Features include instantaneous messaging and audience polling to facilitate
interactions during live events. Also, an integrated standards-based
database system offers access to event reporting and supports actionable
follow-up. Netpodium's customers have been utilizing INTERVU's delivery
network since the two companies formed an alliance in April of this year.
Their websites are and

5. Charles Schwab Launches Learning Intranet with Teamscape: Charles Schwab
& Co., Inc. today announced that it is creating a Schwab Learning Intranet
using Teamscape Learning Portal.. The company-wide implementation is a
one-stop, self-service environment on the Schwab Intranet for all training
delivered to over 13,000 users across 8 separate business units worldwide.
By moving their global training operations onto the web and delivering day
or night access to training for all users, Schwab expects significant
operational cost-savings, enhanced productivity, and improved overall
employee training. "Teamscape will play a strategic role in enabling
Charles Schwab to create a unified learning and training infrastructure on
the web," said Irene Beiriger, Schwab's Vice President Retail Client
Services Training and Development. "The end result will be employees who are
better trained and a training organization ready for the 21st century."
Their websites are and

TechLearn '99 Update: (Oct 31 to Nov 3, 1999 - Orlando, Florida)
* 1,598 Registered. Design limit is 2,500. On-Line registration is open at
* Research Sessions at TechLearn Presented by ASTD and The MASIE Center
* Pre-Conference Learning Session to be Conducted On-Line in October. All
registrants will receive access codes in the Fall to participate in the
On-Line TechLearn Sessions. These sessions will focus on: Learning
Technology, Computer & IT Training and Learning Decisions!
* Charity Golf Tournament on Sunday, October 31st: We are planning a
Charity Golf Event. If you are a golfer and would like to help organize
this event, please send an email to
* ASTD, ITTA, ISA, CEdMA and MASIE Center members receive a $100 discount
at TechLearn '99.

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