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143 - Focus on Experience vs. Delivery Method; Cellular Phone Facilitation

1. Focus on Experience vs. Delivery Method: We ought to shift our language
from describing learning by the delivery method (on-line, web-based,
video-conference, classroom) to more of an emphasis on the EXPERIENCES of
the learner. For example, I can look at an on-line seminar on a topic and
not understand what I will DO or EXPERIENCE during the event. Will I read?
Will I listen? Will I do a project? Will I work with other people? Will I
practice? Will I reflect? Will I get feedback?

Far too much of our conversation about changes in the learning industry is
focusing on delivery. While we are building dramatically new delivery
systems, and that is at the core of the e-learning revolution, we must keep
our focus on the experience of the participant. I recently visited with
the training team at IBM, who are rolling out a great management development
program. I was very impressed that they didn't talk about delivery, but
rather that they were building a multi-month experience for newly hired IBM
managers, and would give them experiences of feedback, scenario practice,
group projects, role models, policy exploration and testing for
capabilities. These EXPERIENCES are going to be delivered via a variety of
delivery systems, including the web and classrooms. The emphasis is on
making specific types of EXPERIENCES available to the learner, rather than
just shifting the delivery system. and are different in large measure to the change in the
experience of the buyer. Let's not look at On-Line Learning and think that
publishing content to a browser or dealing it from a portal is the core of
the benefit. I would argue that we should not talk about on-line learning
to the learner, but rather focus on the EXPERIENCE they will have and brand
it according to the activities they will engage in.

2. Cellular Phone Facilitation: I had a first in my life as a instructor
yesterday. We were driving to New York City to participate in a meeting of
several area banking and financial institutions exploring learning
technology (hosted by Chase Manhattan and the TechLearn Collaborative).
The combination of bad weather and a visit to the UN by President Clinton
brought a 2 hour delay in our arrival. So, when it was time for me to kick
off our panel, I was in traffic on upper 5th Avenue. The folks at Chase
said, "Walk the Talk". So, my cell phone was called into action and I led
my first 100 person meeting via cell phone. The group was kind, the
reception OK, and the experience deeply strange. But, it did highlight why
we are all exploring collaborative technology...for those moments when we
just can't get in the same place and the learning has to take place NOW.

3. Report on E-Knowledge from Wit Capital: There is a very thorough
analysis of the e-knowledge business opportunity from Wit Capital. They
explore the various elements of this growing field. You can view or
download the report entitled E-Knowledge: New Ways to Build the New Economy
at this URL:

4. Food and Technology for Networking at TechLearn '99: We know that one
of the most valuable aspects of going to conferences is the informal aspects
of people meeting colleagues from around the world. At TechLearn '99, we
are going to use technology and food to help the process. There are
currently 2,250 people registered for TechLearn (Oct 31 to Nov 3 - Orlando):
We will be giving each person access to a database of fellow participants
and the ability to contact them digitally at the event. The food part is a
series of optional dinners (from restaurants to picnics) that are available
on Monday night after the Bill Cosby show. We want to give folks the
chance to break bread and meet new colleagues with similar interests, career
paths or organizations. More info about these get togethers will be sent
to each participant two weeks prior to the event. If you are planning on
attending TechLearn please register ASAP at We
have added 3 additional hotels to accommodate people registering in these
final weeks before the event.

A Personal Note: My wife and business partner, Cathy DiMiceli Masie, had
sad news come to her this weekend. Grandma DiMiceli passed away quietly at
the age of 93. She was a feisty lady who gave her children and
grandchildren love and care. We had the good fortune to visit her one week
ago in her nursing home where she was doing math and remembering good times.
God Bless, Grandma. (Cathy's email is if you know her and
want to send a note).

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