« 167 - Survey Results: Roles and Expectations for e-Trainers; What I Learned on My Defense Department Tour! | Main | A Special Essay: The Road to "Natural" Digital Collaboration »

Elliott Masie Selected by Secretary of Defense Cohen for Tour

Dear TechLearn Trends Readers:

I am honored to have been selected by Secretary of Defense William Cohen to take an intensive
one week tour of the United States Department of Defense capabilities next week. I will be part
of a small group of civilian leaders from the worlds of finance, entertainment, education, labor
and business, as we meet with Secretary Cohen and the Joint Chiefs of Staff and visit key military
installations across the country.

I will be focusing on the ways in which the Department of Defense is training and preparing the
troops for the Digital Age. Throughout the week you will receive a special version of TechLearn
Trends as our group participates in the following activities. We will file several stories and briefings
from this 14 hour a day program...

Here is the summary of our trip from Secretary of Defense's invitational letter:

Washington, DC, kick-off where the group will join in discussions with me, Chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff General Henry H. Shelton, and other senior military and civilian officials
Cheyenne Mountain and Schriever AFB, CO, to visit the North American Aerospace Defense
Command, the Space Warfare Center and 50th Space Wing to view satellite and security
Mountain Home AFB, ID, to see firsthand an Air Expeditionary Force, the Air Force of the future
Fort Bragg, NC, to visit soldiers of the Army's XVIII Airborne Corps and Special Operations Forces
Camp Lejeune, NC, for a Marine Air-Ground Task Force capabilities exercise
Training Center Yorktown, VA, where you will observe Coast Guard operations involving cutters,
helicopters, and maritime security operations
An aerial refueling while on route between military visits
Norfolk, VA, to visit naval facilities where you will see the capabilities of the Navy's Special Forces
and fly out to an aircraft carrier
I am honored to represent the Training field on this trip. I want to thank the folks at the Advanced Distributed
Training group ( for nominating me to participate in this annual Joint Civilian Orientation
Conference. If you have any questions or areas of interest that you would like me to "cover" in the Trends,
please send me a note to a special email address:

Yours in learning,

Elliott Masie

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