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Invitation to TechLearn 2000 + The e-Learning World Congress

TO: TechLearn Trends Readers
FROM: Elliott Masie

I would like to personally invite you to participate in our annual gathering of the learning and training profession:

TechLearn 2000 -- including -- The World e-Learning CONGRESS
November 12 to 15, 2000 - Orlando, Florida USA

TechLearn 2000 will include a number of very powerful and different features to help organizations deal
with the frenzy, opportunity and HYPE of e-learning. We are NOT A TRADE SHOW. You will be treated
as a COLLEAGUE rather than a PROSPECT. Here are a few of the reasons why you and your
colleagues should head to TechLearn 2000:

* Keynotes including: Tom Peters, Benjamin Zander, Elliott Masie, Loretta LaRoche and others
* The World e-Learning CONGRESS - Let's Define What is Needed to Take Learning to Next Level
* The MASIE Center e-Lab: Experiment with New Models of Learning and Process the Results with Colleagues
* RFP Open Review Sessions: Hear competitive perspectives on specific organizational requests for proposals.
* The 21st Century Training: Trainers are not going away.. our roles are evolving. What is next for trainers.
* Learning Decisions Executive Forums: For Training Managers and Learning Officers focusing on Strategy.

For details and on-line registration go to:

We already have 879 registered attendees. Register today and start receiving pre-event briefings
and resources.

Throughout the year you receive TechLearn TRENDS as a free resource. This is the only event
where you can gather with other readers and help invent the future of the world of learning and
technology. Plan to come to Orlando for TechLearn 2000.

Yours in learning,

Elliott Masie
The MASIE Center
The Learning and Technology ThinkTank

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