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352 - Goodbye DOC, Hello XML? and Interview with John Abele - Founder Chairman, Boston Scientific

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - Oct 3, 2005.
#352 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
51,241 Readers - - The MASIE Center.
Learning 2005: Oct 30 - Nov 2 - Orlando, Florida.

1. Interview with John Abele, Founder Chairman, Boston Scientific on Learning.
2. Flash Poll Results: What do We Call Learning?
3. Microsoft Office "12" to Leverage XML & PDF: Implications for Learning.

Update: 175 Learning Sessions & Activities Posted for Learning 2005:

1. Interview with John Abele, Founder Chairman, Boston Scientific on
Learning: John Abele is the Founder Chairman of Boston Scientific, one of the world's leading medical device companies (eg. heart stents). He is a strong advocate of the role of learning in the success of a corporation and is focused on how we can address the role of learning in the world's health care fields. John is a pioneering Corporate Leader and a good friend and colleague (as well as a co-host at Learning 2005). Here is a compelling 10 minute Audio, PodCast and Text Transcript with John Abele on Learning Perspectives of the Chairman and Health/Learning Issues:

2. Flash Poll Results: What do We Call Learning? Here are the results of last week's Learning Flash Polls:

What do you call the participants in your learning programs?
Learners: 33.9%
Students: 15.9%
Colleagues: 0.9%
Participants: 36.1%
Workers: 0.6%
Associates: 1.8%
Customers: 1.2%
Others: 9.5%

Which is the PRIMARY word you use to describe your work?
Training: 36.3%
Learning: 27.1%
Development: 14.0%
Education: 10.1%
Performance: 4.0%
Other: 8.5%

3. Microsoft Office "12" to Leverage XML & PDF: Implications for Learning.
As part of our VistaLearn project, The MASIE Center has been tracking Microsoft's plans for their new Operating System and next version of Office. I am intrigued by two major announcements about Office:

* XML Instead of DOC, XLS and PPT Files? Microsoft will provide an alternative to file formats such as .Doc for Word, .XLS for Excel and .PPT for PowerPoint. They will be implementing an open standard of XML as an option for all Office users. This may will allow for broader document management and enterprise reuse of content.

* Yesterday, Microsoft announced that the next version of Word will be able to save a file as a PDF format as well.

There will be a VistaLearn series of discussions and sessions at Learning 2005, exploring the learning implications of these new systems from Microsoft. We are also launching an open community of learning professionals to develop collaborative resources and strategies for Vista.

Upcoming MASIE Center Events & Services:
* Learning CONSORTIUM Membership.
* Learning 2005 - Oct 30 to Nov 2, Orlando, Florida.
Information and Registration:

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