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350 - Learning Cafes, Dentistry School Goes Extreme, What do We Call Learning?

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - Sept 28, 2005.
#350 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
51,129 Readers - - The MASIE Center.
Learning 2005: Oct 30 - Nov 2 - Orlando, Florida.

1. Learning Cafes - Corporate Places.
2. Dentistry Students Experience Extreme Learning.
3. Flash Poll: What Do We Call Learning?
4. Learning 2005 Update: Reading Circles.

Hi! I have just arrived in California to give the keynote at the Chief Learning Officer's Conference. There is a great collection of the top folks in the Learning field and we will be having a dialgoue about the rapidly changing opportunities in the field. I'll file a report on this
event later tonite. Elliott

1. Learning Cafes - Corporate Places: Take the concept of an internet cafe and evolve it for your corporate learning goals. Consider setting up a few pods with terminals, perhaps near or in the company cafe, to foster self-service learning, but with a twist. Construct these internet machines in a way that they encourage 2 or 3 people at a seat. Some companies have even put 3 sets of earpieces on each set and raised the monitor higher. These cafes can be created very easily and will be used for your staff for a wide range of learning and collaboration uses. In fact, in one company, we have seen folks go to the Cafe when they need to write something that requires concentration and coffee.

2. Dentistry Students Experience Extreme Learning: A TRENDS reader, Melanie Abston from Detroit, sent this note to us about the Extreme Learning underway in Dentistry School:

"It started with a simple question -- first-year dental student Jared Van Ittersum wanted to know why all the lectures he attended weren't available electronically. Now, the University of Michigan School of Dentistry and Apple Computer Inc. are collaborating on a project that uses ITunes technology for academics. U-M Dentistry offers audio of large lecture classes posted online for download by registered U-M dental students, and uses RSS, a Web syndication method, to send instructional content to students automatically. John Couch, Apple's vice president for education, visited the School of Dentistry this month for a celebration of the program. Lynn Johnson, director of dentistry informatics and information technology, said the partnership represents a major shift in how technology is used in teaching. A demonstration showed a custom ITunes site for the dental school, offering lectures in a "music store" listing.

Students who log in using a U-M identity can preview audio of a lecture, download an individual lecture or subscribe to the downloads for automated delivery to their computers and MP3 players."

3. Flash Poll: What Do We Call Learning? Here are two quick Flash Polls:

* What do you call the participants in your learning activites? (eg.
Learners, Students, Associates, etc.)
* What do you call our field? (eg. Learning, Training, Education, Development, etc.)

Go to to take this 1-minute poll.
Results posted next week.

4. Learning 2005 Update: Reading Circles: Imagine spending an hour with 20 colleagues talking about the relationship between a book that you just read and our world of Learning. We will have a number of Reading Circle Activities at Learning 2005 (Oct 30 - Nov 2) in Orlando. These will be facilitated book club conversations about key titles related to the world of Learning and Business. Here is just a sample:

* Reading Circle: "Blink" and Learning.
* Reading Circle: "Tipping Point" and Learning.
* Reading Circle: "The Wisdom of Crowds" and Learning.
* Reading Circle: "The World is Flat" and Learning.
* Reading Circle: "Harry Potter" and Learning.
* Reading Circle: "Eveything Bad is Good for You" and Learning.

If you would like to suggest or lead one of these Reading Circle sessions, please send me an email to

Upcoming MASIE Center Events and Services:
* Learning 2005
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