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379 - Update: Bono, Learning Tipping Point, Odd Times, LMS Governance

Update: Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - Feb 9, 2006.
#379 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
52,156 Readers - - The MASIE Center.
LMS 2006 - April 6-7 - Las Vegas, NV -

1. e-Learning Regulations Evolving - A Tipping Point?
2. Dinner with Bono - Reflections on Commitment.
3. Tips for Trainers: Odd Times Are Remembered.
4. Learning Management System Governance.

1. e-Learning Regulations Evolving - A Tipping Point? The United States Congress is about to remove a restriction on distance education in higher education. This move can be seen as a "tipping point", reflecting the rates of acceptance of e-Learning on the campus (and society at large).

In 1992, Congress passed a regulation, called the 50% Rule, that prevented any college that enrolls more than half of their students from a distance or offers more than half their courses on-line, from participating in federal student aid programs. This rule was triggered by a rash of diploma mills and low quality correspondence courses.

But, much has changed as our field has evolved and mainstream colleges add e-Learning options for both campus based and remote students. There have been waivers already for institutions like Capella and Jones International. Watch for steady increases in e-Learning offerings and blended models at campuses throughout the U.S. There is still debate underway about the 50% Rule, but most expect Congress to eliminate this rule.

2. Dinner with Bono: Last Friday, my wife and I had the extreme honor of having dinner with Bono, the lead singer from U2. The event was hosted by the Center for Association Leadership. We talked with Bono about his passionate campaign to deal with key issues confronting Africa, including AIDS, Hunger and Debt Reduction. He is effectively leveraging his fame (including winning the Grammy Awards last night) to bring together leaders from every corner of society. There was a sentence he said to us that keeps ringing in my brain:

* "WHERE you are born should not predict IF you will live!" *

I would urge Learning TRENDS readers to explore Bono's website for his DATA organization. We are planning to volunteer our resources to add learning professionals to this effort. Go to

3. Tips for Trainers: Odd Times Are Remembered: A simple tip is to re-start breaks at odd times. Rather than say "We will be back in 15 minutes at the quarter hour", try "We will be taking a 14 minute break and we'll start again at 2:14". It is amazing how learners take even break times and add a pad of 5 or 10 minutes. But, when you use an unusual length break and get very precise, people comply at a whole new level.
Plus, it is fun!

4. Learning Management System Governance: This is a key issue and often ignored in organizations. Companies investing in an LMS or LCMS must create a governance plan to effectively measure and manage the impact of these learning systems. All too often, the attention to the LMS by senior managers ends once the system goes "live" or is seen as an outsourced issue to the IT department. There is a dramatic difference between LMS installs that have strategic Governance Plans and those that don't. These plans should include:

* Representation from stakeholders including Talent Management, HR, Business Units, Compliance Officers, IT and Training/Learning Functions.
* Quarterly Review meetings that focus on Utilization, Yields, Velocity, Scalability, User Patterns and Reporting to Decision Makers.
* Switching the "metaphor" of the LMS from an Enterprise Database used to report learning consumption to an Enterprise Engine that drives both organizational and individual behaviors and actions.

LMS and LCMS Governance will be a big topic at our LMS 2006 User Group in Las Vegas on April 6 and 7. We have over 180 folks registered and 20 LMS companies as sponsors of this event already, and space is limited. For information go to

Upcoming MASIE Center Events & Services:
* LMS 2006 - April 6 and 7, 2006 - Las Vegas.
* Extreme Learning Lab & Seminar - April 19-21 - Saratoga Springs.
* Learning 2006 - November 5-8 - Orlando.
* Membership in Learning CONSORTIUM.
Information and registration at

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