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387 - Elliott's Birthday and Shipping Containers, Surowiecki, Dychtwald

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - May 13, 2006.
#387 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
52,376 Readers - - The MASIE Center.
Learning 2006 - Nov 5 to 8 - Orlando -

1. Elliott's & Shipping Container's Birthdays.
2. Ken Dychtwald PodCast: The Workforce Crisis.
3. Learning 2006 Registration Opens: Early Discount.
4. James Surowiecki, The Wisdom of Crowds.

1. Elliott's & Shipping Container's Birthdays: Today is my birthday (age
56) and I share it with a very cool invention, the shipping container. Fifty years ago, the shipping container was introduced. You know, that large box that is hoisted onto ships, travels on trains and is pulled on trackers. It changed much of the world and there is a learning lesson here!

The shipping container introduced a standardized form of packaging content (goods). It accelerated the globalization of markets, allowing goods to flow with ease, automation and lower costs from every corner of the globe.

The standards of the shipping container were adopted by ships, docks and manufacturers worldwide. It changed how goods were moved, with lower labor costs and with higher tracking capability.

As I celebrate my birthday and look out the window of our New York apartment, I see stacks of shipping containers on the edge of the Hudson. I see the connection between the work that is underway in content packaging for the learning space. As we adopt XML, core learning standards and systems, it is possible for us to achieve some of the same benefits that the shipping container brought to transportation:

* Imagine the ability to easily move content from any source and rapidly integrate it.
* Imagine the increased ability to track content through versions and localization.
* Imagine the impact of the "democratization" of content: sharing the knowledge from many to many, with greater ease and greater organizational comfort in opening up the knowledge walls.

There is much that I have to be excited about on my 56th birthday and I look forward to the decades ahead of evolution in our learning field. Yet, I am even more excited to think about the birthday of the cool shipping container and what it might teach us about the true impact of learning in a "flatter" world.

2. Ken Dychtwald PodCast: The Workforce Crisis. I am pleased to present a free audio, podcast and text transcript of an interview I did recently with Ken Dychtwald, the author of the Workforce Crisis. Ken is one of the best thinkers on the impact of aging in the workplace. And, on my 56th Birthday, I have started to refer to my segment of the workforce as "Silver Workers". Go to to listen to or read this segment.

3. Learning 2006 Registration Opens: Early Discount. We are pleased to announce the opening of Early Bird Registration for Learning 2006. The themes this year include:

* Learning in a "Flatter" World!
* Challenges for NextGen and Silver Employees in our Workforce.
* Learning Systems: LMS, LCMS, Content Management and Collaboration.
* Informal Learning and Rapid Development.
* Human Capital Management: Impacts & Strategies.
* Evolving and Changing Classroom.
* Fresh Looks: Leadership Development, On-Boarding & Customer Education.
* 3 C's for 2007: Compliance, Competencies and Content Management.
* Learning Governance and Changing Roles for Learning Professionals.

Early bird discounts can save you hundreds of dollars on registration for this key industry event. Dates are November 5 to 8 in Orlando.
Information and registration at

4. James Surowiecki, The Wisdom of Crowds: I am pleased to announce the first of many exciting Thought Leader Keynoters at Learning 2006. James Surowiecki, the author of "The Wisdom of Crowds: Why The Many Are Smarter Than The Few and How Collective Wisdom Shapes Business," will present a provocative perspective on the changing nature of learning and collaboration at Learning 2006. Once again, early registration is available at

Upcoming MASIE Center Events and Services:
* Extreme Learning Lab & Seminar - Saratoga Springs, NY - July 24-26.
* Learning Futures 2006 - Dublin, Ireland - July 10-11 (with Malcolm Gladwell).
* Membership in Learning CONSORTIUM.
* Learning 2006 - Nov 5-8 - Orlando.
Info at

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