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493 - Learning in the Field; Ahead to 2008

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - Dec 17, 2007.
#493 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
54,064 Readers - - The MASIE Center.

Special Learning TRENDS from Mali, Africa!

1. Learnings from the Field.
2. Ahead to 2008.

1. Learnings from the Field: We have now been in Mali, Africa for one week, working on the Malaria No More campaign to distribute mosquito nets to 95% of the children under the age of 5. Here is a short, 4 minute video from one of the villages, thanking the Learning field for your contributions:

This Sunday, we visited a clinic in a region outside of Bamako and met with 7 “Health Relays”, women and men from the tribe who volunteer to meet twice a week with peers to convey important health information. When they found out that my field was training, it launched into a discussion of how people learn and how they might be better trainers. Here were four tips from the “field” where learning is all verbal and happens on the road in the huts:

* Short: “Keep it small and short.”
* Draw Pictures: “Make a point by drawing a picture in the dirt or on a piece of paper.”
* Laughter Reinforces: “Use jokes and kidding to ease the learning.”
* Teach it Back: “Ask them to teach it back to you.”

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2. Ahead to 2008: Many of our colleagues have asked if they can pre-pay for Learning 2008 or Learning Systems 2008 with 2007 funds. If you want to make an advanced registration for either of these events:

To email Elliott Masie:

Upcoming MASIE Center Events and Services:
- Performance Support LAB & Seminar: Jan. 30 - Feb 1, Saratoga Springs, NY.
- Learning Leaders Academy: March 10 - 12, Saratoga Springs, NY.
- Learning Systems ‘08 Conference: April 10 and 11, Las Vegas, NV.
- Learning 2008: Oct. 26-29, Orlando, Florida.
Information and Registration:

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