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448 - A New Horse; Returning Soldiers as Learners

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - May 25, 2007.
#448 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
53,541 Readers - - The MASIE Center.
Host of Learning 2007 - Oct 21-24 - Orlando, Florida, USA

1. A New Horse With 4,841 Bottle Caps.
2. Trainer's Tip: End Class a Little Early.
3. Memorial Day Ponderings: Learning Challenges for New Veterans.

1. A New Horse With 4,841 Bottle Caps: Last night, we added another and very different horse to our stable. As many Learning TRENDS readers know, Cathy and I own 7 racing horses. The 8th horse is unique, as she is a full size horse made from 4,841 Bottle Caps. Saratoga Springs, the home of the MASIE Center, is filling the town with painted and designed horses this summer. So, we sponsored and purchased a special horse to sit in from of The MASIE Center Learning LAB. Handi-Cap is a 7 month old fiberglass horse designed by artist Ali Herrmann. You can take a peek at this cute new member of our stable at

2. Trainer's Tip - End Class a Little Early: Learners love to get out of class a bit early. It doesn't need to be hours earlier, but they really appreciate the ability to get to their next meeting or home earlier than expected. Often, we trainers forget how different and tiring a day in a classroom can be. And, many of our learners still have to do a day's work at the end of the day of class. I usually make an earlier end time a sort of deal with the class. "Let's focus hard on this and perhaps take a shorter break and we'll end 45 minutes early!" It has an energizing impact on both learners and this particular trainer!

3. Memorial Day Ponderings: Learning Challenges for New Veterans: Clearly, the conflict and war in Iraq is a controversial and important issue for many readers around the world. But, as we start Memorial Day Weekend, let me send a personal thought to our U.S. readers:

"No matter what your position on the the fighting in Iraq, there is a group of folks that we need to consider from a learning perspective in the years ahead. Hundreds of thousands of women and men will have served in Iraq and return to the U.S. with challenges - from physical to vocational.
It is so important to not confuse the conversations about policy with our concern about the future lives of these veterans who did what their country asked them to do.

Learning professionals have a unique role to advocate for the learning, vocational and career needs and resources to support returning soldiers as they reintegrate. I urge local ASTD and other learning groups to get involved in this issue. Societies are measured by future generations in how they welcome home those that serve."

Email to Elliott Masie at

Upcoming MASIE Center Events:
* Learning 2007: Oct 21 to 24 - Orlando, Florida.
* Learning Leaders Academy: July 22 to 25 - Saratoga Springs.
* Performance Support LAB: Sept 12 to 14 - Saratoga Springs.
* Membership in our Learning CONSORTIUM.
Information at

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