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545 - NASA eClips, Diaroogle for Toilets, Cafe & Green Learning

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - Sept 17, 2008.
#545 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
54,416 Readers - - The MASIE Center.
Host, Learning ‘08 - Oct. 26-29 - Over 1,402 Colleagues Registered!

1. e-Learning from NASA
2. Diaroogle - Public Toilet Search Engine
3. Green Learning Tools and Event Supplies
4. Cafe Learning Ideas Wanted!

1. e-Learning from NASA: The Space Agency is making available a free Web-based educational product to learners of all ages across the country. NASA eClips consists of more than 55 short, 5-10 minute video segments, which are available on-demand via the Internet.  NASA eClips features many of the agency’s missions and engages learners in the excitement of science and engineering. Check it out at:

2. Diaroogle - Public Toilet Search Engine: This is one of those interesting sites with a very no-comment name. Starting in NYC, Diaroogle is building a peer rated and Google Map referenced search engine to locate and evaluate public access toilets. It is an intriguing example of a mash-up of content, context, peer rating and mapping. Next time you are in NYC and really need to go, check out:

3. Green Learning Tools and Event Supplies: Once we decided to push ourselves to make Learning 2008 as “Green and Sustainable” as possible, we immediately turned our attention to the plastic nametag holders and lanyards. My great staff located a source that we are using that distributes name tag holders made entirely form bio-poly, eco-friendly and recyclable material. Our lanyards are being manufactured with recycled polyester. The supplier is:  We would love to hear about other Green Learning supplies. Send me an email to

4. Cafe Learning Ideas Wanted! Talking about Learning 2008, we are having a blast creating LearningTown Cafe Sessions - informal discussions, stories or pleas for support. People have been “rolling” their own sessions including: “Increasing our Salaries as Trainers”, “Leveraging YouTube for Rapid Learning Design”, and “Help Me Reframe our Leadership Training Program”. If you would like to add your ideas to the design bucket, please take our design survey at:

Please make your plans to attend our annual event! Registration is now over 1,400 participants and we have a limited number of hotel rooms available. Save $100 on the Advanced Registration Rate. Go to for online registration and details.

Yours in learning,

Upcoming MASIE Center Services & Events:
* Learning 2008: Oct 26-29 - Orlando
* 0ver 6,009 Learning Colleagues on LearningTown.
Information and Registration at