558 - ReSkilling Project & Inauguration Project
Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - Jan 21, 2009.
#558 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
54,544 Readers - http://www.masie.com - The MASIE Center.
1. Four Days of Learning at Inauguration.
2. The Reskilling Project.
3. Off to Dubai.
1. Four Days of Learning at Inauguration: We have just left Washington after 4 days of very exciting involvement in the Inauguration of the President Obama. There were some interesting learnings about events, logistics and the experience. I kept a blog if you would like to read some of my observations, go to http://masie2009.blogspot.com
2. The Reskilling Project. In 2 weeks, we will be launching a major project called ReSkilling. It will be focused on the challenge of preparing millions of workers, currently employed or laid off, who will require ReSkilling to get stay employed or return to the workforce. We will be working with the new Administration and will bring together learning professionals, workforce development groups and private education resources. If you are interested in this effort and would be willing to help launch it, please send me an email to emasie@masie.com
3. Off to Dubai: We are switching suitcases and will head to the airport in a few hours to take a 14 hour flight to Dubai. I am doing a keynote at a Learning event and presenting on the challenge of Leading in UnCertain times. Dubai is also going through some challenging shifts in the economy. I’ll send some notes from there. Personally, I am very excited to take the new Emirates Airbus A380 for the direct flight from New York - complete with new technology features. I’ll do blogging from the sky :)
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