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560 - Waterpark Learning Lessons in Quality in Dubai

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - Jan 29, 2009.
#560 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
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Waterpark Learning and Quality Lessons in Dubai

Now, that is an unusual title for a TRENDS item. But, it is true. Yesterday, I had a significant lesson about learning and quality while playing at the Wadi Waterpark here in Dubai.

After presenting several speeches, we took a day to relax at a very complex waterpark near our hotel. There were dozens of waterslides, wave pools, lazy rivers and other fun water rides.

Soon after we arrived, we noticed a strange man who was doing some strange things on one of the rides. He had a small rubber doll that looked like a baby and he was sliding down the water ride with it in hand. He suddenly let the toy baby go under water and 8 or 9 lifeguard whistles were blown - signaling an emergency. He showed them that it was just a doll and laughed and walked away. We thought that was pretty weird behavior.

About a half hour later, Cathy and I were floating around the park and this strange guy started to push our rubber raft. We thought that he was a bit weird and once again, a lifeguard blew a whistle at him. Then, as we were leaving the park, he was in the wave pool - violating the rules. A staff member saw us watching him and told us to relax - he was a decoy. Every day, Wadi Waterpark hires someone to come and break the rules and even pretend to be drowning. This keeps the lifeguards on their toes and they get feedback on how quickly they spot and respond.

It was a great learning lesson in the use of decoy actors to push quality. Our feelings went from concern about the strange man to a sense of respect for their commitment to quality. And, it is a great example for learning organizations.

Sadly, we are leaving Dubai now. I’ll be sending an exciting announcement about our new ReSkilling project next week.

Warm regards,

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