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569 - Results of Social Learning Survey, Impressions from Prison & New MASIE Site

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - March 18, 2009.
#569 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
54,671 Readers - - The MASIE Center.
Host: Learning Systems Roundtable - Chicago - April 15 & 16

1. Results of Social Learning Survey.
2. New MASIE Website with Twitter.
3. Impressions from Prison.
4. Learning Systems Roundtable in Chicago in April.

1. Results of Social Learning Survey: Over 1,056 TRENDS readers responded to a Social Learning Survey last Friday. The results are interesting - looking at the methods, technologies and hurdles to implementing Social Learning in corporate settings. Here are the results and perspectives:

2. New Website with Twitter Feed: We have relaunched our MASIE Center website using Joomla 1.5, an open source content system. And, I’ve added a Twitter feed of updates on the front page. Check it out and watch for evolving content and collaboration elements at

3. Impressions from Prison: Last week, I had a powerful experience visiting a medium security prison here in New York State to observe a 7 Habits Workshop. I am still processing the flood of impressions and feelings that I had, but since many of you asked, here are a few personal learnings:

* Incredible training skills exhibited by the inmate teaching the workshop. He was one of the best trainers in style, class engagement and focus that I have seen in my entire career.
* It was inspiring to see this group of inmates articulate the change in behaviors that they were committed to implementing as they looked at personal responsibility and trust issues.
* It was depressing to think about the hard time that the best of these inmates would encounter in securing employment after serving their sentences - and made me even more focused on the ReSkilling Challenge.
* I was asked by the group to do an impromptu session about Trust - I leveraged my knowledge of the work of Stephen MR Covey and his book on “The Speed of Trust”. For over an hour, they peppered me with questions about how trust was built, lost and the interpersonal dimensions of trust and relationships.
* Prison visits evoke strong emotions - from images of how the victims were impacted by these crimes, to the role that poverty and drugs (and some drug laws) contribute to the cycles, to watching some of the inmates thirst for making a key change in their lives.
* More to follow…

4. Learning Systems Roundtable in Chicago in April: We are very excited about the upcoming Learning Systems Roundtable to be held in Chicago from April 15th to 16th. This is a unique opportunity to take an in-depth look at current and future deployments of LMS, LCMS and other learning systems. At a moment when learning budgets are under severe consideration, we will need to ask more (and different) things of our LMS. Complete information about this vendor-neutral event at

Personal note: I am heading to Central America next week for a week of vacation and relaxation.

Yours in Learning,
Elliott Masie

Upcoming MASIE Center Services & Events:
* Social Learning LAB & Seminar: June 17 - 19: Saratoga Springs, NY
* Learning Systems Roundtable: April 15 and 16 - Chicago
* Learning & Government Briefing: April 28 - Washington, DC
Information and Registration at