613 - Government and Learning; Lawsuits Hit LMS Field Again.

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - March 29, 2010.
#613 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
54,895 Readers - http://www.masie.com - The MASIE Center.
Host: Learning and Government - Special Forum in Washington, DC
1. Learning & Government Briefing.
2. Law Suits Hit LMS Field - Sigh - Again!
3. Virtual Leadership Focus for Rising Leaders Programs.
1. Learning & Government Briefing: The learning field in government organizations is undergoing significant changes. From large retirement “bubbles” to stimulus funds flowing for learning oriented projects to changing models of learning delivery (video, mobile and distributed), we are tracking a high rate of change for both government learning departments and the suppliers that sell to the government. It even extends to new learning efforts that include courses and assets aimed at citizens as part of the Obama Administration’s IT 2.0 efforts. We are pleased to announce our 2nd annual Learning & Government one-day briefing, to be held in Washington, DC on May 3rd. Complete information and registration at http://www.masie.com
2. Law Suits Hit LMS Field - Sigh - Again! Sadly, I must report that a number of LMS companies have just been sued by IPLearn, a group that holds a number of patents in the learning world. This group pops up every few years as they target another LMS company with several patents that they received under the questionable “Business Process Patent” statute a decade ago. In several instances, they were able to get the LMS company to settle, after a very expensive pre-trial discovery process. I have served as a free witness to the defendants as I believe these patents were improperly awarded and there is significant prior art, dating back decades, that would contradict many of the patent claims. This time, they have sued a large collection of LMS companies: Learn.com, Inc., Certpoint Systems, Inc., Meridian Knowledge Solutions, LLC, Netdimensions Ltd., ND Services, Inc., Emtrain, HRSmart, Inc. and Perot Systems Corp.
For example, they claim invention of this from 1999: “A method and a system to teach a user a subject based on his questions. The system allows the user to control his learning process, and helps to fill in gaps of misunderstanding in the subject.” We will be reaching out to the field for help in gathering prior art that existed prior to these patent claims. And, there is a major Supreme Court decision pending about the validity of this genre of Business Process Patent. Stay tuned.
3. Virtual Leadership Focus for Rising Leaders Programs: As The MASIE Center works with leadership development groups around the world, we have noticed a sharp increase in the inclusion of segments addressing Virtual Leadership. Programs for rising leaders are increasingly adding modules to teach leadership skills for a distributed team. These range from how to build trust across time zones and increased use of video technology, to extending presence globally and how to engage dispersed team members in culture and process. If you would like to take a look at some of the topics that we have been tracking, look at the graphics on the site for our Virtual Leadership LAB and Seminar at: http://www.masie.com We will be offering another section of this program in a few weeks and there are a few seats still available.
Yours in Learning,
Elliott Masie
email: emasie@masie.com
MASIE Center Seminars, Events and Services:
* Virtual Leadership: Skills for Leading Distributed Teams.
* Learning & Government Briefing.
* Video for Learning LAB & Seminar.
* Learning 2010 - Oct 24 to 27 - Orlando, Florida.
* Membership in The Learning CONSORTIUM
Info and Registration: http://www.masie.com