610 - Jonathan Kayes, New CLO at MASIE Center's Learning CONSORTIUM

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - March 9, 2010.
#610 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
54,895 Readers - http://www.masie.com - The MASIE Center.
Host: Virtual Leadership LAB & Seminar - Saratoga Springs
Welcome to the new MASIE Center’s Learning CONSORTIUM Chief Learning Officer! Jonathan Kayes has joined The MASIE Center’s Learning CONSORTIUM as the Chief Learning Officer. He recently completed a 27 year career with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), most recently as their Chief Learning Officer.
It is a dream come true for us to be able to add a senior and deeply experienced CLO to our team. I am so excited to have Jonathan Kayes as our partner in researching and developing new models for the future of organizational and personal learning. Since 2001, Jonathan’s work at the CIA has been focused primarily on training and education - including building new organizational learning strategies and incorporating multiple instructional approaches and new technologies to reach a largely globally deployed workforce.
Jonathan will be working with our Learning CONSORTIUM’s 240 global members as well as directing projects in our Learning LAB at The MASIE Center including: Learning Radar Screens, Changing Learning Function Roles, Learning Costs, Mobile Learning, ePub and a wide range of LAB Projects involving CONSORTIUM companies around the world.
Here is a statement from Jonathan about his new role with The MASIE Center and his interests/passions:
“I am truly a lifelong learner and my favorite days are days when I learn something I didn’t know at the beginning of the day. Connecting people is something I love to help happen. When I know that two people share similar interests or one has expertise in an area which another person really needs, I try to provide a virtual or actual handshake.
One my greatest joys has been in serving as a Chief Learning Officer. The CLO gets to work with various constituencies from the C-Suite to the newest employee coming in for orientation. I very much look forward to connecting with and sharing learning with the CLOs, aspiring CLOs, learning leaders, and learning professionals. Trying something new really excites me. Sometimes I have to try it several times, or from several angles, but chewing on that new thing while you get to think about how to apply it is fun and surprisingly productive. I’m really passionate about avoiding staying the same. I don’t believe in change for its own sake, but when you look at almost anything, you see the problem with never leaving your comfortable rut. The world changes even if you don’t.
In solving most problems there are two or three possible ways to skin the cat which will all work. I think we should try method A for a couple of years and then be willing to go back and see if maybe method B or C would work well for us too. I love helping someone find their own passion and give that person support so that they can thrive and grow. That provided the joy in management for me and I hope that will come about in some of my activities with The MASIE Center.
My brain circuits start firing in all directions when I can link knowledge from one sector with an application in a totally different sector. I love listening to people talk about their ideas, discoveries, projects and programs because it adds new possibilities for connections.”
Please join me in welcoming Jonathan as our new CLO. His announcement and pictures are at http://www.masieweb.com/newclo Jonathan’s email is jonathan@masie.com
There will be another exciting announcement about our keynote speakers at Learning 2010 in just a few days. Stay tuned.
Yours in learning,
Elliott Masie
Chair, The Learning CONSORTIUM
email: emasie@masie.com
MASIE Center Seminars, Events and Services:
* Virtual Leadership: Skills for Leading Distributed Teams.
* Performer Support LAB & Seminar.
* Video for Learning LAB & Seminar.
* Learning 2010 - Oct 24 to 27 - Orlando, Florida.
* Membership in The Learning CONSORTIUM Info and Registration: