618 - Learning Gestures, Storing Video and Elliott in Atlanta

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - April 14, 2010.
#618 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
54,936 Readers - http://www.masie.com - The MASIE Center.
Host: LMS & Learning Systems Forum - June in Chicago!
1. Learning Touches and Gestures.
2 Storing Learning Videos?
3. FIRST Robotics in Atlanta - Meet Elliott.
1. Learning Gestures: There are 3 powerful gestures in the new iPAD. I can stretch or shrink a picture and easily turn a page in an iBook. But, we are just starting to think about gestures/touches that would support learning. Check out a dialogue and brainstorm at http://bit.ly/bptYsY
2. Storing Learning Videos?: Organizations are rapidly growing their collections of short video clips that can be used by employees for learning and support. The big question is where to store these videos for access, tracking and contextualization. Will the corporate “YouTube” be your LMS, LCMS, Sharepoint or a point solution? This is one of the key questions we will explore at our annual LMS and Learning Systems Forum to be held in Chicago in June. Information at http://www.masie.com
3. FIRST Robotics Championship - Meet Elliott in Atlanta: Friday and Saturday of this week, I will be in Atlanta for the National Championship of the FIRST Robotics Competition. Imagine thousands of high-energy high school students and their mentors competing with their problem solving robots. For learning professionals, it is an incredible experience to witness. I am honored to be on the Board of Directors of FIRST, which was started by inventor Dean Kamen. If you are in Atlanta and would like to meet up and see the competition, send me an email to emasie@masie.com
Yours in learning,
Elliott Masie
email: emasie@masie.com
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