620 - LMS Systems Stretched? A Virtual Global Work Day for Elliott

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - April 28, 2010.
#620 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
54,943 Readers - http://www.masie.com - The MASIE Center.
Host: LMS & Learning Systems Forum - Chicago - June 10 & 11
1. LMS Systems Getting “Stretched” By Changing Learning Modes.
2. A Virtual Global Work Day for Elliott Today - Sign of the Times?
3. Learning 2010 Website Open - 5 Keynoters Announced.
1. LMS Systems Getting “Stretched” By Changing Learning Modes: Many organizations are celebrating their 10th Anniversary with their Learning Management Systems (or even longer). While these systems have been updated and customized over the years, in recent months we have been hearing a lot of concern, frustration and focus from CLOs about the emerging “gaps” between their current LMS and the rapidly evolving content and delivery modes. For example, one financial service firm has had their current LMS for 11 years. It has done great on delivering, tracking and helping to manage e-Learning, compliance and training initiatives. But, their CLO expressed these rapidly emerging needs and concerns:
* Video: They are moving towards widespread use of video, both in the form of stored, on-demand video as well as User Content Videos. The LMS (and its companion LCMS) are really being stretched by the use of video.
* Mobile: They are deploying a range of mobile devices from Blackberries to even the new iPad. The content formats of learning for these devices is changing and the LMS “portal” pages are not really adaptable to the smaller screen.
* Performance Support Orientation: This firm is also deploying a significant amount of Performance Support instead of learning modules. And, the LMS is once again sort of out of synch with the Knowledge Elements of the “just-in-time” content/resources.
* SharePoint and Social Collaboration Platform Connectivity????
* Changing Tracking and Search Capabilities for Federated Content.
* Readiness for eReaders?
The CLO feels the LMS is a workhorse but pretty “tired”. In these tight budget moments, they are not inclined to procure a replacement. So, they are using a combination of work-arounds, customization and looking for Web Services. This is not unusual. The need for a fresh look at Learning Systems (LMS, LCMS and more) is at the heart of our LMS & Learning Systems Forum in Chicago on June 10 and 11th. Registration is now open at http://www.masie.com
2. A Virtual Global Work Day for Elliott Today - Sign of the Times? When I looked at my Schedule today, I smiled thinking about what a “Virtual” day it will be. Here is a slice of where I will “be”, while working from The MASIE Center LAB in Saratoga Springs:
* Video Taping a 20 Minute Dialogue Provocation for a Learning Meeting in London. (sending it over as a Flash video)
* Design Meeting with a Health Care Company for a 60 minute ISDN/IP Video Keynote and Interview next week.
* Briefing Insurance Training Professionals all around the US for a Lunchtime Conversation via Webinar.
* Skype Coaching Calls to a CLO in London and a CEO in Hong Kong.
* Hosting an Evening Worldwide Online Debrief of Bono’s ONE Campaign GRIOT Program for Malaria Spokespeople (participants from Africa to North America)
* Testing iPad Screen Sharing with a Colleague in New Mexico, who is working with High School Tutors.
I counted 7 different modes of virtual collaboration technology being deployed: IP Video Conferencing, ISDN Video Conferencing, Skype, Conference Call, Webinar Software and Screen Sharing. It is interesting to see how seamlessly we start to reach for the connective tech that fits the moment and is compatible with our collaborators at the “other end”. It was funny to respond to my gang of breakfast colleagues at the coffee shop this morning when they asked, “are you traveling today”? Yes, to several continents, but staying in the same zipcode.
3. Check Out New Learning 2010 Site - 5 Keynoters Announced - http://www.learning2010.com
Yours in learning,
Elliott Masie
email: emasie@masie.com
MASIE Center Seminars, Events and Services:
* LMS & Learning Systems Forum.
* Video for Learning LAB & Seminar.
* Learning 2010 - Oct 24 to 27 - Orlando, Florida.
* Membership in The Learning CONSORTIUM
Info and Registration: http://www.masie.com