624 - Sleep Disruption from iPad?, Apolo Dances, Portfolios for Learners

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - May 18, 2010.
#624 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
54,959 Readers - http://www.masie.com - The MASIE Center.
Host: LMS & Learning Systems Forum - Chicago - June 10 & 11
1. Sleep Disruption from iPad Reading Light?
2. Learning 2010 Keynote - Apolo Ohno on Dancing Tonight :).
3. Learner Portfolios Emerging - Win for Instructors & Learners.
4. 3 Seats Open in Video for Learning LAB Next Week.
1. Sleep Disruption from iPad Reading Light? Several articles have appeared in the last 2 weeks about possible sleep disruption from the backlight impact of reading on an iPad right before going to sleep. I actually noticed that after reading for an hour, which usually makes me quite ready for sleep, I was wide awake. Yet, reading from the Kindle, which is NOT backlit, did not have that effect on me. Here is a quote and link with some views on the topic:
“Light-emitting devices, including cell phones and the iPad, tell the brain to stay alert. Because users hold those devices so close to their face, staring directly into the light, the effect is amplified compared with, say, a TV across the room or a bedside lamp, said Frisca Yan-Go, director of the UCLA Sleep Disorders Center in Santa Monica.” More at http://tinyurl.com/38kmsl2
I will tell you one risk - when I drop off to sleep and drop my paperback, there is no risk of damage. But, a dropped iPad is a different matter.
2. Learning 2010 Keynote - Apolo Ohno on Dancing Tonight :). As you may know, Apolo Ohno is a keynoter at our Learning 2010 event. Tonight, he dances again on “Dancing with the Stars”. I’ll be asking Apolo about his training and learning process for both his Olympic medals and his winning stint on “Dancing”.
3. Learner Portfolios Emerging - Win for Instructors & Learners: I have been tracking an increase in interest by corporate learning leaders to experiment with the use of e-Portfolios for their learners. These are used in universities, creating a sharable file for each student with an updated resume, personal statement, examples of work and other assets that would be of interest to future employers and current teachers. A few companies are now conducting experiments with e-Portfolios, allowing learners to build a profile that is of high value when they enroll for internal corporate training programs. Imagine being able to see profiles of each learner in a leadership development program, with their backgrounds, perspectives, work samples and more. Some LMS systems are adding e-portfolio options and there are a number of robust open source projects detailed at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electronic_portfolio.
4. 3 Seats Open in Video for Learning LAB Next Week: We only have 3 seats left in our popular Video for Learning LAB & Seminar that starts next week in Saratoga Springs. The program does a deep dive on the use of On-Demand Video for stories and content as well as Live Video for a wide range of learning options. Info and registration at http://www.masie.com.
And, thanks for the over 1,200 Happy Birthday messages! It was fun to celebrate my 60th with so many greetings from colleagues around the world.
Yours in learning,
Elliott Masie
email: emasie@masie.com
MASIE Center Seminars, Events and Services:
* LMS & Learning Systems Forum.
* Video for Learning LAB & Seminar.
* Learning Leadership Academy.
* Learning 2010 - Oct 24 to 27 - Orlando, Florida.
* Membership in The Learning CONSORTIUM
Info and Registration: http://www.masie.com