698 - Buttons, Skins, Keynoters and News
Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - October 27, 2011.
#698 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
55,543 Readers - http://www.masie.com - The MASIE Center.
Host of Learning 2011 - Over 1,967 Colleagues Registered!
1. Buttons and Skins: Small Design Details.
2. Dean Kamen on Education Changes – Business Week.
3. Betsy Myers on Leadership - ABCNews.
4. Peter Capelli on Skills - Wall Street Journal.
1. Buttons and Skins - Small Design Details: As TRENDS readers know, we are now 10 days away from Learning 2011 and I am obsessing over final design details. Here are two fun design decisions that we made:
* Buttons: We just received 21,280 Buttons for the 2,000 participants - a form of wearable Social Networking. From “Mentor Wanted” to “Aging LMS” to “Dexter Fan”, these buttons are just one way for our colleagues to have fun and connect with each other. Check out the photo at http://learning2011.com/506-21-280-Buttons-Made.htm
* iPad Skin? Yup, got to dress up your iPad if it is going high definition on huge screens. So, one of the design decisions was to create a “skin” for my tablet. Picture at http://learning2011.com/508-Tablet-Skin-10-Days.htm
Our Learning 2011 Keynoters have been in the news a lot this week. Here is a sample:
2. Dean Kamen on Education Changes - Business Week: Dean, who is the inventor of the Segway, founder of FIRST® Robotics and a colleague of mine, is interviewed in Business Week on what we should do with education: http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/how-to-fix-the-education-crisis-10132011.html
3. Betsy Myers on Leadership - ABCNews: Betsy, another close friend and the author of “Take The Lead”, was interviewed by ABC News on how to think differently about leadership development - http://abcnews.go.com/Business/video/lead-leadership-advice-14528705
4. Peter Cappelli on Skills - Wall Street Journal: Peter, one of the leading experts on workforce demographics and skills, wrote a provocative article in the Wall Street Journal on Why Companies Can’t Find the Employees They Need: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970204422404576596630897409182.html
We are about to take our 2,000th registration and there are still rooms for last minute sign-ups. Go to http://www.learning2011.com
Yours in Learning,
Elliott Masie.
email: emasie@masie.com
MASIE Center Seminars, Events and Services:
* Learning 2011 - Nov 6 to 9, 2011 - Orlando, Florida.
* Membership in The Learning CONSORTIUM
Info and Registration: http://www.masie.com