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655 - LeadershipDev 2011 - Leadership Development Benchmarking; iPad 2 & iMeet

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - March 15, 2011.
#655 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
55,229 Readers - - The MASIE Center.

1. Announcing: LeadershipDev 2011 - Refreshing Leadership Development & Training!
2. iPAD 2 & iMeet: Quick Looks.
3. Japanese Learning Professionals.

1. Announcing LeadershipDev 2011 - Refreshing Leadership Development & Training! I am honored to invite our Learning TRENDS readers to a new and unique conference that we are launching, focused on Leadership Development & Training models, assumptions and designs:

LeadershipDev 2011.
June 14 and 15 - Las Vegas, NV.

Several CLOs suggested that we start this new conference, which is exclusively focused on benchmarking, innovating and refreshing organizational models and strategies for Leadership Development & Training. Areas of focus:

* Benchmark on Current Leadership Development Approaches.
* Explore Changing Models for Development & Delivery.
* Challenge Assumptions about Speed, Process & Intensity of Leadership Development.
* Consider & Design Alternative Models for Leadership Training.
* Align with Changing Technology & Evolving Workforce Demographics.
* Expand Leadership Development Efficacy Research.
* Globalize Leadership Development Approaches.
* Contrast Investment Models for Leadership Development.

This will be a highly focused and facilitated gathering of Leadership Development peers. There are no sales pitches and, ironically, we will spend little time talking about “leadership content”. Rather, we will interactively drill down into our Leadership Development Models, Assumptions and Approaches. We will collectively design a range of LeadershipDev Innovations – process changes that organizations can apply to existing programs to better prepare the next generation of leaders for changing times.

I am pleased to be co-hosting LeadershipDev with Betsy Myers. In addition, Marshall Goldsmith (“Mojo”) and Vice Dean Doug Lynch (UPenn/Wharton CLO PhD Program) will be facilitating key aspects of this new program. Space is limited and complete information and registration is online at

2. iPAD 2 & iMeet - Quick Looks. I spent the past three days testing and using two new technologies with implications for learning. Here is a quick take on each one:

iPAD 2: The two most important aspects that have implications for learning and collaboration groups are the Cameras and Apps for Video/Conferencing. You can use Apple’s FaceTime  - or, soon, other apps, including WebEx, Skype and other collaboration tools - to do personal and corporate video chat from the tablet.  Also, there are new Apps and capabilities to allow for easy video editing and publishing. There is about a 15% level of improvement and we will see increased corporate interest in the tablet/slate marketplace. Expect boosts also of Zoom, Dell and HP tablets as they hit the market in the months ahead. Watch for a wide range of Learner and Teacher Apps that can help personalize the process.

iMeet: This is in beta and a very interesting multi-person video conferencing application. You can share webcams, files, stored video and other assets, and manage a personal “Room” that has up to 15 participants. Audio can come via telephone or voice over IP. The first 30 days are free and worth checking out.  This might have interesting applications for small group sessions and just-in-time support.

3. Japanese Learning Professionals: Our thoughts and prayers go out to learning colleagues in Japan. This morning I received several messages from learning professionals who were “in-land” and out of the immediate impact zone. They were sharing the challenge of rapidly providing knowledge and guidance to a population about Radiation and Recovery efforts in the midst of this wide spread crisis. Where cell phones are still working, a great deal of content is being shared via mobile knowledge and other social networks. The MASIE Center has made a donation on behalf of TRENDS Readers to UNICEF’s Japan Relief Fund:

Yours in learning,
Elliott Masie

MASIE Center Seminars, Events and Services:
* LeadershipDev 2011 - June 14 & 15 - Las Vegas, NV.
* Learning 2011 - Nov 6 to 9, 2011 - Orlando, Florida.
* Learning Essentials LAB - May in Saratoga Springs.
* Video for Learning LAB - March in Saratoga Springs.
* Video for Learning LAB - May in Saratoga Springs.
* Membership in The Learning CONSORTIUM
Info and Registration: