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671 - Joint Special Operations University, Checklists for Learning, Selectric Usability

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - July 21, 2011.
#671 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
55,339 Readers - - The MASIE Center.
Host of Learning 2011 - Over 746 Registered Already!

1. Joint Special Operations University - Spotlighted for Excellence!
2. Selectric Typewriter and Usability Smiles.
3. Checklists for Learning - Frameworks for Collaboration.

1. Joint Special Operations University - Spotlighted for Excellence! The Learning CONSORTIUM is proud to announce that the Joint Special Operations University (JSOU) will receive a Learning Spotlight Award at Elliott Masie’s Learning 2011, November 6-9, in Orlando, FL.

In these complex times, this award recognizes JSOU’s unique mission: the education of the Special Operations Forces executive, senior, and intermediate leaders and selected other national and international security decision-makers, both military and civilian, through teaching, research, and outreach in the science and art of Joint Special Operations.

“We are deeply honored to recognize the unique role that Joint Special Operations University plays in supporting the critical missions and activities of Joint Special Operations.  Their education, training, research and lessons learned activities are important keys to mission readiness and talent development in the world of Joint Special Operations.  In these complex times, we are honored to spotlight JSOU’s important learning leadership.” – Elliott Masie

“As a representative of our nation’s Special Operations Forces, I am honored to accept this award on behalf of the men and women of the Joint Special Operations University. As a new learning institution, we have concentrated on developing the cognitive understanding and intellectual capacity of our force to think beyond the norm. Our strength lies in rapidly combining the best instructional methods with highly relevant content into academic programs specifically tailored for special operations”, said Dr. Brian Maher, President, Joint Special Operations University.

At Learning 2011, we will spotlight the work, programs and innovations of Joint Special Operations University. Details at

2. Selectric Typewriter and Usability Smiles: I just bought a reconditioned IBM Selectric Typewriter. Why? First, I love to collect artifacts of the progression of technology. But, actually I miss the feel of the wonderful keyboard. Like many other Baby Boomers, I wrote my college papers and a decade of work letters using a Selectric. From the feel of the keys to the nice auto-correct button, it was well designed and reflected great usability. While my keyboards are OK now, I really wanted to refresh my memory with one in my office. It arrived, got spruced up, and within a few minutes, I was typing at 70 words a minute. I even remember the sound of pulling the completed paper from the roller, with a flourish!!! Here is a link to pictures of that wonderful machine

3. Checklists for Learning - Frameworks for Collaboration: One of the projects that we are undertaking in the coming months is focused on Checklists for Learning! Inspired by “The Checklist Manifesto”, we are curious about the ways in which we can create a Checklist Culture that leverages both e-learning assets as well as collaborative frameworks, including common vocabulary and peer feedback on core work steps. If you have ideas or opinions about Checklists for Learning, please send a note to our CLO Bob Baker at

Yours in learning,

Elliott Masie

MASIE Center Seminars, Events and Services:
* Learning 2011 - Nov 6 to 9, 2011 - Orlando, Florida.
* Membership in The Learning CONSORTIUM
Info and Registration: