771 - 7 Tony Awards, Jane Pauley to Keynote, Presentation Variations

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - June 11, 2013.
#771 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
55,994 Readers - www.masie.com - twitter: emasie - The MASIE Center.
Host: Learning 2013 - Nov 3 to 6 - Orlando, Florida - www.learning2013.com
1. Jane Pauley - “Boomers in the Workplace” - Keynoter at Learning 2013!
2. Variations on Presentations.
3. Wow! 7 TONY Awards - A Night to Remember.
1. Jane Pauley - “Boomers in the Workplace” - Keynoter at Learning 2013! We are honored to announce that Jane Pauley will be one of our Keynoters at Learning 2013 (Nov 3 to 6 - Orlando).
Jane will be addressing the intriguing aspects of “Boomers in the Workplace”. A respected broadcast journalist for over 30 years, Jane Pauley’s career has spanned morning, primetime and daytime television making her one of the most recognizable personalities in America. Pauley’s network television career began as co-host of NBC’s Today Show, she was founding co-anchor of Dateline NBC, and host of The Jane Pauley Show. Partnering with AARP, Ms. Pauley is currently contributing to NBC’s Today Show in a series, “Your Life Calling,” which features people who have reinvented the way they work or live.
Jane Pauley joins our other keynoters including Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton, Actor George Takei and others at Learning 2013. Take advantage of early registration discounts at http://www.learning2013.com
2. Variations on Presentations: From time to time, I like to detail the background of how I construct, design and deliver various presentations. Over the past week, I have had the privilege of presenting several keynotes on Learning Directions, with very different styles to very different audiences. Here is a micro view of the design models I used:
* Last Monday, I presented a 150-minute presentation (quite long) in an Atlantic City Casino Theater (very unique) to the annual UAW/General Motors Joint Learning Conference (an unusual and intriguing coalition). There were about 400 people in the theater and a traditional keynote of any length might have put them to sleep. So, I designed a model that had the attendees standing up several times, brainstorming with others in the audience on a hot topic (e.g. how to motivate a 30-year veteran to want to learn new skills). I moved away from the fancy stage several times and talked in the audience. And, I used the lunch break in the middle of the speech to engage the audience in questions and topics for the afternoon session.
* Last Tuesday, I facilitated a 2-hour dialogue with Learning Leaders at Farmers Insurance - done via video webinar from my hotel room in Washington, DC to their headquarters in California. The model we used was a highly interactive interview with the group posing a series of drill-down questions on key Learning Directions and Trends issues. Throughout the session, I kept presenting questions back to the group - assembled in table groups - to apply these trends to their plans for the next six years. Their leader, Ilene Haber, played a key role in providing the glue between the video Elliott and the face-to-face group.
* Last Thursday, I flew to Motorola in Chicago to present a Learning Directions keynote to dozens of their learning leaders - live in Chicago and located around the world via video. The group had done its pre-selection of key topics by voting and rank ordering the content. Then, each of its top six questions became 15-minute segments for my presentation, including 10 minutes of content from Elliott and five minutes of questions from the present and remote participants. Their desire was to make each 15-minute segment a video clip that could be circulated to a much larger group at Motorola. After the 6 segments, we took a break and then did 4 more segments on follow-up topics that arose from the dialogues in the morning.
And, in 2 hours I will be opening the Oracle Learning Consortium event live by video and later tonight flying to Intel in Portland for a blended media presentation on learning strategies and collaboration.
In each of these formats, the design segments were quite different, aimed at maximizing the engagement of the participants and also allowing for the active re-use of the content. The days of the traditional 60-minute keynote are gone from my portfolio. Instead, conversations about presentations are as much focused on the design elements - how to leverage the right technology - and compressing or varying content length fairly dramatically. It makes the prep and delivery process more complicated but way, way, way more fun!
3. Wow! 7 TONY Awards - A Night to Remember: Sunday night was one of my most powerful and memorable experiences! We attended the TONY Awards in New York City where two of MASIE Productions musicals and plays received TONY Awards. Kinky Boots got 6 awards, including Best Musical and Cindy Lauper for the score. Cicely Tyson, the star of Trip to Bountiful, received Best Actress in a Play award at the age of 88. It was an honor to watch, root and cheer. Most impressive was the sense of community amongst the theater world as it celebrated the power of art, entertainment and message. I have been asked why I’m involved with theater, in addition to the world of learning. Both of these fields are about creating and delivering stories, content and engagement that changes behavior and achieves impact. And, both worlds have success, failure, feedback and design. If you are coming to New York, check out Kinky Boots, Trip to Bountiful and, for the next few weeks, Alan Cumming doing a 1-man version of Macbeth. http://www.masieproductions.com
Yours in learning,
Elliott Masie
Host, Learning 2013
email: emasie@masie.com
twitter: @emasie
MASIE Center Seminars, Events and Services:
* Learning 2013 - November 2013 - Orlando, Florida.
* Membership in The Learning CONSORTIUM
Info and Registration: http://www.masie.com - twitter: emasie