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789 - Learn Long and Prosper: Design Session with George Takei

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - Sept 9, 2013.
#789 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
56,194 Readers - - twitter: emasie - The MASIE Center.
Host: Learning 2013 - Nov 3 to 6 - Orlando, Florida -

Special Note: “Live Long & Prosper - Design Session with George Takei”

Design takes time, collaboration and creativity.  Last night, I spent an hour with actor George Takei at the music club 54 Below doing a joint design of his keynote session for Learning 2013. We were both there to hear a concert by friend Telly Leung, so it was the perfect time to design the format and focus of George’s keynote on Tuesday, November 5th.  Here is a look at the design conversation:

As the former Lt. Sulu, largest social media figure on Facebook, accomplished actor and profound storyteller dove into the heart of Learning 2013, we came up with this “map” of his time at Learning 2013:

Storytelling as Focus:  George will recount, in an interview with me, the role of storytelling in his career and the power of stories to inform, influence, change and impact culture.

Social Media and Stories:  We will provide real-time examples of how a single “Post” by George takes off with the over 4 million people in his network.

Images, Humor and Opinion:  George will share how he uses images (often a cartoon or photo) with just a few words to make a posting impactful and forward-able.
From Star Trek to Facebook to Broadway:  We will do an interactive dialogue with George looking at the lessons and aha’s from Star Trek, Facebook and Media, all the way to his new Broadway show.

Storytelling and Change: George would like to share how storytelling can be a powerful tool in changing attitudes, perspectives and policies.  He has been on the forefront of the dialogues about Equality, Justice and Acceptance.  And, what happens when people differ!

Questions from Mobile Devices:  Some of the questions that we will pose to George will come from participants in real time as they use our Mobile App.  George and I will have a large screen near us to pick the questions.
Google Glass:  I have been a source of technology experiences for George, having given him his first tablet and a 3D Printer.  We took some time with the new Google Glass and talked about the role of field experimentation in innovation.  And, how these would have been used on the Enterprise.
Excitement: George is really excited to be a part of Learning 2013.  He will be spending several days with us in Orlando and is intrigued about how our field is leveraging culture, technology and design to share stories, build skills and create change.
Immersion and Prosper: George is going where no Star Trekker has gone before - our Learning event!  So, he wants to immerse.  He is doing prep on our field and will be doing a deep immersion when he gets to Learning 2013.  Don’t be surprised if he comes up to you in the lobby at Walt Disney and starts chatting about what people really want to help them learn.  Welcome George. May we learn together and as learners prosper!

Here is a blog post of our Design Session at:

There are now 937 colleagues registered for Learning 2013, to be held from Nov 3 to 6, 2013 in Orlando.  Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton is our featured keynoter, along with George Takei and others. Registration at

Yours in learning,

Elliott Masie
Host, Learning 2013

twitter: @emasie

MASIE Center Seminars, Events and Services:
* Learning 2013 - November 2013 - Orlando, Florida.
* Membership in The Learning CONSORTIUM
Info and Registration: - twitter: emasie