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816 - Internal Expertise Ads, Badges for Skills, Baby Horse Video

 Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - Feb. 28, 2014.
#816 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
56,384 Readers - - twitter: emasie - The MASIE Center.
Host: MOOCs & Corporate Learning: Symposium & Lab.

1. Internal “Google Ads” with Expertise.
2. Badges Conversation Growing.
3. Baby Horse Born Thursday - Hello Video!

1. Internal “Google Ads” with Expertise:  We are quite accustomed to having Google or Bing or Yahoo “ads” pop up as we do a web search, linking us to a site, vendor or content collection.  But, what about an internal “ad” that links us to a person with expertise within our organization?

Imagine if an employee is conducting a search on compliance issues on your internal search engine and the results page included 2 or 3 small boxes with the name of a key fellow employee who has relevant experience or expertise on the topic. Much of the knowledge base of your organization is in the minds and experiences of current employees, who are often unknown to the rest of the workforce. Let’s experiment with appropriate and non-disruptive ways of building personalized “ads” that would link employees to other employees with sharable expertise.

2. Badges Conversation Growing:  Are there any fellow Girl or Boy Scouts out there as Learning TRENDS colleagues?  I have deep and powerful memories of the various Boy Scout “badges” that I earned in my teen years.  I even earned one in group leadership techniques.  The badges required Scouts to demonstrate a skill or competency and often successfully complete a project.

There is a growing conversation in the world of learning and higher education about bringing back the badge model for workforce competencies.  The badge might be smaller in scope than a certification.  And, it might not imply instant readiness to do a job.  But, it could be one of many badges that a worker would gather/earn over time - visible to others in the workplace and an input to future deployment decisions.  Many of my colleagues are looking towards industry-wide recognition of badges that are used and valued by a larger group of employers.  Let’s imagine a badge in Customer Complaint Handling earned by an employee of a fast service restaurant that would also be honored when he/she applies or is hired by another food service employer. 

The MASIE Learning CONSORTIUM and Learning 2014 will be focusing on badges and some of the opportunities and hurdles with adapting this model to our workplaces. If you are interested in being part of this conversation, please send a note to me at

3. Baby Horse Born Thursday - Hello Video! As many of you may know, MASIE Stables owns several thoroughbred horses.  Yesterday morning, we got a great phone call.  At 6 am, Miss Matzo gave birth to a healthy and cute female (filly) baby horse.  Four hours later, this video was taken in the barn where she is with her mom.  Note how long the legs of a baby horse are, which were important when they were born on the wild “range”.  Watch her at

UPDATE: We are quickly filling spaces in the upcoming MOOCs & Corporate Learning event to be held in Saratoga Springs from April 2 to 4th.  Info and online registration are available at

Yours in learning,

Elliott Masie
Host, Learning 2014

twitter: @emasie

MASIE Center Seminars, Events and Services:
* Learning 2014 - October 2014 - Orlando, Florida.
* Learning Directions Briefings.
* MOOCs and Corporate Learning: Symposium and LAB.
* Video & Learning LAB.
* On-The-Job Learning LAB.
* Membership in The Learning CONSORTIUM
Info and Registration: - twitter: emasie