822 - Big Data Too Big, Meet Me at ASTD, Video for Learning Shifts

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - April 23, 2014.
#822 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
56,449 Readers - www.masie.com - twitter: emasie - The MASIE Center.
Host: Video and Learning LAB & Seminar - May in Saratoga Springs.
1. When is Big Learning Data Too Big?
2. Meet Me at ASTD Conference in DC.
3. Video for Learning - Shifts & Moves.
4. Robin Roberts Book Released.
1. When is Big Learning Data Too Big? An interesting question arose in our conversations about Big Learning Data:
When is Big Learning Data too Big?
The question is framed around the ability of an individual or an organization to process really large amounts of data. Can a learning designer or even a learner “handle” really large amounts of data? When is someone (or even an organization) handicapped by the size, scope and variety of data that is available to reflect learning patterns and outcomes? When do we want a tight summary vs. a scatter gram of many data points?
As we grow the size, volume and variety of Big Learning Data elements, we will also need to respect the ability (or challenge) of people to process the data. A parent may hear that their kid has a B- in mathematics - and want a lot more data. But, the same parent does not want 1,000 data elements covering 500 sub-competencies. The goal is to find a way to reflect Big Learning Data to an individual in a fashion that enables them to make better sense of the process - and have a “Continuum” that they can move to get more or less data as a situational choice.
Sometimes we get too small in data. I gag when I read about a company claiming a 1,034% ROI on learning investments. What does that reflect? Does that include wage costs, soft costs, manager costs etc.? It is an impressive Big Learning Number with VERY SMALL validity. Let’s continue an honest conversation about when Big Learning Data is too Big or Small.
2. Meet Me at ASTD Conference in DC: I am honored to be presenting and exhibiting at the ASTD International Conference in Washington, DC from Sunday, May 4th to Wednesday, May 7th. I would love to connect with any Learning TRENDS readers or your colleagues attending the ASTD Event:
* Session: Monday, May 5 - 4:30-5:30pm M301 - Big Learning Directions & Big Learning Data - Ballroom A.
* Learning 2014 & MASIE Center Booth 438. I will be in the booth for learning conversations throughout the event.
Or, send me an email to emasie@masie.com and let’s try to meet. See you in DC.
3. Video for Learning - Shifts & Moves. As we track the use of Video for Learning in the workplace, here are a few of the shifts that are emerging:
- Video Outside the LMS: A large percentage of companies are placing video clips outside the LMS - without adding viewing to the learning record.
- Video Templates: Just as PowerPoint yielded a series of templates for presentations, we are now seeing Video Brand Templates emerging.
- Animated Whiteboards Soar: Colleagues like Dan Pink made whiteboard animations quite popular with his presentations. There are now online packages to automate the production of these quick sketch segments.
- High Def and Low Overhead: Organizations are pushing the high definition quality while reducing the overhead and time of production.
- Open Video Blends: Adding corporate content as a blend with “open” content from TED and other sources for a unique mix.
These are just a few of the topics that we will investigate in our twice a year offered “Video and Learning LAB” that I will be hosting in Saratoga Springs from May 19 to 21st. There are just 10 seats available for this session. Content and online registration at http://www.masie.com
4. Robin Roberts Book Released: Yesterday, as we released the Learning 2014 Keynote Speakers, it was also the day that Robin Roberts’s book was launched: “Everybody’s Got Something”. Details at http://www.learning2014.com/blog/item/robertsbook
Yours in learning,
Elliott Masie
Host, Learning 2014
email: emasie@masie.com
twitter: @emasie
MASIE Center Seminars, Events and Services:
* Learning 2014 - October 2014 - Orlando, Florida.
* Video & Learning LAB.
* Membership in The Learning CONSORTIUM
Info and Registration: http://www.masie.com - twitter: emasie