823 - Compliance and Learning Crisis, Laptop Learning? ASTD to ATD

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - May 9, 2014.
#823 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
56,454 Readers - www.masie.com - twitter: emasie - The MASIE Center.
Host: Learning 2014 - Oct 26-29, Orlando. 238 Registered Already!
1. Compliance & Learning: A Crisis!
2. ASTD Becomes ATD.
3. Laptop Learning? Mobile Learning? Sigh!
4. Video for Learning: Last Call.
1. Compliance & Learning: A Crisis! There is a crisis in the learning field. Compliance, regulatory-based and mandated learning and training programs are out of control! Many major organizations are reporting that as much as 70% of learning time and expenditures are being spent on programs mandated by compliance and regulatory requirements. Sadly, many of these do not really move the “performance needle”, nor do they account for what employees already know.
There are alternatives, but it will take an industry-wide effort and conversation to re-align Compliance and Learning. We can include more pre-testing, followed by learning for those missing competency or information gaps. We can increase the use of sampling of a subset of employees vs. testing every employee, every year. And, we can shift to a more granular and distributed content publishing model throughout the year, where we aggregate compliance conformance over time.
We are proud to announce the “Compliance & Learning Crisis” forum at Learning 2014 (Oct 26 to 29 in Orlando). These topics and a deep conversation about new approaches to Compliance & Learning will be explored. An article about this is at: http://www.learning2014.com/blog/item/compliance-learning
2. ASTD Becomes ATD: I was a speaker at the recent ASTD event in Washington, DC, where there was a big announcement about a branding and name change for ASTD. They are shifting to “Association for Talent Development”. Details at: http://www.astdnews.org/
We are pleased to announce that they will be hosting the bookstore at Learning 2014 with a wide range of both Talent and Learning publications.
3. Laptop Learning? Mobile Learning? Sigh! One of the most frustrating conversations that I had at ASTD was with folks looking for “Mobile Learning” solutions. I usually laugh and sigh, since I am an active user of mobile devices but not a fan of using the term or the current limited view of Mobile Learning.
Yes, our workforce and our computing platforms are going more mobile. I touch my mobile phone throughout the day, read most articles on my tablet, travel with my laptop for some webinar hosting and use my desktop in the office for video capture and large document editing. I am a multi-device user and I want BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) access. I want your learning programs to sense and adapt to the screen and other capabilities of my devices. And, I don’t expect to have all of my learning resources working perfectly on my mobile device. The funniest thing is to see someone squinting to take a course on a small phone - with small text and tight spaces. It would work perfectly on a larger screen or could be adapted for a different type of program on a mobile phone.
Yes, I await great Learning Apps. I want a learning app for new hires, for newly promoted folks, for key projects, for performance support and more. I want apps that use the camera, video, GPS and other mobile device capabilities that would never work on a laptop. And, I look for more apps that would leverage the mobile device for content, context, community, collaboration or even learning commerce throughout the day.
But, it won’t be called Mobile Learning or M-Learning! It will be the natural development of learning assets to changing platforms and functions. For example, when was the last time someone said, “Look at my cool Laptop Learning Program”? Let’s think more broadly and not worry about cute new titles for transformations in the technology and learning world. We will use the cloud, the mobile devices, the Internet and more. Focus on design and usability, focus on mobility and BYOD access, and focus on performance tools in the hands of our workforce. It will be way bigger and way more transformational than “Mobile Learning”.
4. Video for Learning: Last Call! This is the last call for our Video for Learning LAB to be held at The MASIE Center in Saratoga Springs, NY from May 19th to 21st. I am pleased to facilitate and host this program, which will engage a small group of learning professionals in using video and video equipment to explore the shifting world of learning content. We will explore user created video, live video, video and collaboration, video in eLearning, the connected classroom and much more. Plus, you get full use of the 10,000 square feet Masie Learning LAB. There are just a few spaces left and we will close registration soon. Details and online registration at http://www.masie.com
Yours in learning,
Elliott Masie
Host, Learning 2014
email: emasie@masie.com
twitter: @emasie
MASIE Center Seminars, Events and Services:
* Learning 2014 - October 2014 - Orlando, Florida.
* Video & Learning LAB.
* Membership in The Learning CONSORTIUM
Info and Registration: http://www.masie.com - twitter: emasie