845 - 110 Foot Curved Screen? Ambiguity and Learning

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - September 22, 2014.
#845 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
56,674 Readers - www.masie.com - twitter: emasie - The MASIE Center.
Host: Learning 2014 - Oct 26-29 - Orlando. 1,207 Registered Already.
1. AMBIGUITY: Embrace & Honor the Grey Area for Learning.
2. 110 Foot Screen? Engagement!
3. Free Video Briefing on Trends & Challenges in 2014: Tuesday, September 23rd from 1 to 2 PM (Eastern Time).
1. AMBIGUITY = Embrace & Honor the Grey Area for Learning: Most instructional design is about the RIGHT answer. Standard Operating Procedures define that CORRECT approach to a problem. The vast majority of eLearning modules test out for the learner’s ability to check the RIGHT box.
But, sometimes there is not a RIGHT vs WRONG answer. Increasingly, in our rapidly changing world, AMBIGUITY may be the reality. Even with a standard procedure, there may be six “DEPENDS” statements. CLOs are reporting the need for their new hires to have emotional intelligence to deal with the AMBIGUITY of a situation. Yet, we don’t really have the language to embrace and honor the reality of AMBIGUITY.
Yesterday, this became clear to me in a great conversation in a coffee shop in Manhattan. Six strangers were discussing world events at a Manhattan cafe. Our conversations focused on both EBOLA and ISIS in the Middle East. We were six adults, all clearly news aware and verbal. As we explored our perceptions of the challenges of ISIS and the risk of EBOLA, it became clear to me that we don’t easily know how to say, “We don’t know”. Media news shows create the opposite sides of an issue. But, there rarely is a GREY area representative. Only when the six of us verbalized the commonality of our shared (and diverse) AMBIGUITY about each of these topics were we able to listen and learn from each other more clearly.
I left the coffee shop considering how we might better embrace AMBIGUITY into our learning designs and activities. Would love your thoughts. Send me an email to emasie@masie.com
2. 110 Foot Screen? Engagement! Today, I ordered a very BIG piece of technology. Larger than a big iPhone. Actually, larger than any technology I have ever used at an event.
Today, I ordered a 110 Foot Wide, 24 Foot Tall, Curved Video Projection Screen for Learning 2014. Why? Engagement!
There will be 1,600 learning colleagues from around the world at the General Sessions for keynote speakers like Chef Bobby Flay, Robin Roberts from ABC News and Sir Ken Robinson.
I want to create a HIGH ENGAGEMENT, Rich Video Experience - even for the person sitting at the very back of the room. We will use many cameras, including overhead ones over Bobby Flay’s stove, that will then be projected in a large and varied fashion to engage the audience.
Actually, we could have as many as 24 different video images, but that would be overwhelming. However, we will be able to mix Graphics, Live Questions from the Audience, A Graphical Capture from California, Cameras and even Remote Feeds from around the world. And, it will be Large, Bright and Curved, taking the entire width of the Learning 2014 Ballroom.
We are one of the first conferences in the world to use this technology and we will mix it with other Engagement tools and strategies. Check out a mock-up picture of this 110 Foot Screen here: http://www.learning2014.com/index.php/item/110-foot-screen-engagement.html I welcome ideas for creatively producing content experiences on it. Send me a note to emasie@masie.com
3. Free Video Briefing Trends & Challenges in 2014: Last call for our upcoming live video (with over 1,600 colleagues attending from around the world). You and your colleagues are invited to this free, interactive video that will be on Tuesday, September 23rd from 1 to 2 PM (Eastern Time).
This year, we will address these topics:
- Learning Personalization: Just in Time, Just for Me, Just Enough!
- Compliance and Learning Crisis
- Video in Learning: From TED to User Content to Live Chat
- LearningTech: Wearables, Apps and More
- The Connected Classroom: Stretching the Class
- Gaming & Gamification
- Collaborative & Social Learning
- 50+ & Learning: Boomers in the Workplace
- Big Learning Data & Metrics
To reserve a space in this briefing, please go to http://www.Learning2014.com/2014trends
Yours in Learning,
Elliott Masie
Chair, The Learning CONSORTIUM
Host, Learning 2014
MASIE Center Seminars, Events and Services:
* Learning 2014 - October 2014 - Orlando, Florida.
* Membership in The Learning CONSORTIUM
Info and Registration: http://www.masie.com - twitter: emasie