847 - Learning Thumballs; Jewish New Year Greetings

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - September 24, 2014.
#847 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
56,694 Readers - www.masie.com - twitter: emasie - The MASIE Center.
Host: Learning 2014 - Oct 26-29 - Orlando. 1,294 Registered Already.
1. Learning Thumball: Tossing for Topics!
2. Jewish New Year Tonight: Learning Thoughts.
3. MASIE Briefing Streamable Now: Learning Trends in 2014.
1. Learning Thumball: Tossing for Topics! A very cool 6 inch ball has arrived in our office. It is the Learning Thumball that we designed to add an element of non-digital gamification to Learning 2014.
There are 30 panels encircling the 6 inch wide Learning Thumball - each with a question or conversation trigger. Here are a few examples:
- Does Google Search Affect Learning?
- Learners I Don’t Like?
- Learning Interruptus!
- Your Favorite Teacher?
- Gaming & Gamification?
- Compliance & Learning?
- TED Videos: Why Do They Work?
We ordered 200 of these cute, soft and toss-able thumballs. Learning Thumballs will be a fun added element at Learning 2014 and we hope that 200 participants will want to take a Learning Thumball home - if they donate $10 to True Colors Fund, one of our Learning Gives Back grant honorees.
Check out a picture of our cool Learning Thumball at: http://www.learning2014.com/index.php/item/thumball.html
2. Jewish New Year Tonight - Learning Thoughts: Tonight, Jewish New Year begins with the Rosh Hoshana celebration. I have always seen the New Year as a time to reflect on learning and life. Here is a poem that I often think about at Rosh Hoshana that connects to our world of learning:
“How We Become Wise”
After a long, hard climb up the mountain, a group of spiritual seekers finally found themselves in front of the great teacher.
Bowing deeply, they asked the question that had been burning inside of them for so long.
“How do we become wise?”
There was a long pause until the teacher emerged from the meditation. Finally, the reply came:
“Good choices.”
“But teacher, how do we know how to make good choices?”
“From experience,” said the wise one.
“And how do we gain experience?” they asked.
“Bad choices” smiled the teacher.
May all of our New Years be a time to celebrate old traditions, life experiences, new changes and continual learning!
3. MASIE Briefing Streamable Now: Learning Trends in 2014. We just hosted over 1,800 colleagues online for our 60 Minute Learning Trends in 2014 Video. Several hundred folks were not able to get online due to server jam. So, here is the complete, no-charge, one-hour briefing addressing: Personalization, Compliance, Video in Learning, LearningTech, Connected Classrooms, Social Learning, Gamification, 50 Plus and Big Learning Data. To view the Briefing just go to:
Yours in Learning,
Elliott Masie
Chair, The Learning CONSORTIUM
Host, Learning 2014
MASIE Center Seminars, Events and Services:
* Learning 2014 - October 2014 - Orlando, Florida.
* Membership in The Learning CONSORTIUM
Info and Registration: http://www.masie.com - twitter: emasie