897 - Learn-A-Thon Model, Short Video Mentoring, Coin App

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - December 1, 2015.
#897 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
57,122 Readers - www.masie.com - twitter: emasie - The MASIE Center.
Host: Learning 2016 - Oct 23 to 26, Orlando, Florida.
1. Learn-A-Thon Model.
2. Short Video Mentoring Explored.
3. COIN - 1 Card for Many Credit Cards.
1. Learn-A-Thon Model: As many TRENDS readers know, I am a fan of and experimenter with the Hackathon model: a creative way to pull together a group of people - many with computer coding skills - to create a working prototype of a new app or program, in a few days of working intensely. I helped create a Broadway Hackathon model last year with the NY Public Library at Lincoln Center that created very cool new apps in 2 days with the only expense being pizza for lunch.
But, as we applied this model to the world of learning, the challenge was that the hackathon was most appreciated and engaging for people who write code. So, we developed a new model called:
The difference is that the Learn-A-Thon will imagine a new method, learning process or even a technology system/app, but it is brainstormed by subject matter peers regardless of their coding skill. They will dream, stretch and even sketch out what a process or an app might look like, but not actually build the app in real time.
The IT process of creating the actual code can be put down later - or even overnight remotely - but the emphasis is on the User Experience and the Learning Process.
We have experimented with the Learn-A-Thon model in several of our classes and are now rolling it out as a major function at The MASIE Center.
The first public implementation of the Learn-A-Thon will be at the upcoming Learning Innovations LAB to be held in Saratoga Springs from January 12th to 14th. We invite you and your colleagues to take a stimulating, start-of-the-year retreat and participate in this high energy program, which includes the Learn-A-Thon. Details and online registration at http://www.masie.com
2. Short Video Mentoring Explored: Sometimes all one needs as a learner is a few minutes of conversation or feedback from a peer. That is the core of On-The-Job learning. And, as we add video and more distributed workers, we need to stretch the process. We have been tracking increased use of short Video Mentoring sessions - sometimes using Skype or corporate video desktop systems - to connect a learner to a mentoring peer in another location. The fun part is that the duration can be very short. For example, someone who is learning a new sales process might have the option of dialoging for 3 to 5 minutes - a few times each day for a week - with an experienced sales person located in another part of the world. Their mentoring is not meant to be behavioral coaching; rather, it is focused on what the learner is about to do - or what they just did. In the sales example, pre-brief a sales call or do an autopsy after a failed sale.
This process does not take much infrastructure and can be amazingly engaging for both the learner and the mentor! Try it!
3. COIN - 1 Card for Many Credit Cards: We have been experimenting with a new application called “Coin”. It is a high tech single card onto which I securely load the data from a range of my credit cards. It synchronizes with my mobile phone and is only authorized when I use a code on the card or turn it on by the nearby mobile phone. It allows me to go from many to 1 credit card - and to get ready for a smaller wallet. The synchronizing of data to a digital format is intriguing and may lead to other applications for corporate access and security. Here is the link: http://onlycoin.com
Yours in learning,
Elliott Masie
Host, Learning 2016
Email: emasie@masie.com
Twitter: emasie
MASIE Center Seminars, Events and Services:
- Learning Innovations LAB - January 2016 - Saratoga Springs, NY.
- Gamification, Engagement & Learning - January 2016 - Saratoga Springs, NY.
- Membership in The Learning CONSORTIUM.
- Learning 2016 - October 23 to 26 - Orlando, Florida.
Info and Registration: http://www.masie.com