901 - Rocket Lands and My Tesla, Theater Invite

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - December 23, 2015.
#901 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
57,175 Readers - www.masie.com - twitter: emasie - The MASIE Center.
Host: Learning Innovations LAB - January in Saratoga Springs, NY.
1. Rocket Lands on the X and My Tesla: Innovations in Action!
2. Holiday Learning Exploration!
3. An Invitation to Allegiance in New York City with MASIE Productions.
1. Rocket Lands on the X and My Tesla: Innovations in Action! This was a really exciting week for me - based on a rocket that landed back on earth perfectly!
Exactly, one year ago, my new Tesla arrived. Not only was I driving an all-electric car, but over the year the car upgraded itself with loads of new features. One of the features included Auto-Steering and Automatic Self-Parking. Quite fun to see the car use its 20+ sensors and cameras to steer or park without the need for hands on the wheel.
This week, Space-X, another Elon Musk company, made history by launching a rocket into space to deliver satellites into orbit - and then return the launch booster rocket to a perfect vertical landing on an X marked on a pad at Cape Canaveral in Florida. Normally, these expensive boosters end at the bottom of an ocean, adding huge costs to each launch.
There is a key relationship between my driving experience in the upgrading Tesla and the rocket landing perfectly from space: both are the result of deeply integrated and expansive creativity applied to new technology in two diverse fields - space travel and car driving. Yet, it is the integrated knowledge that Musk’s companies and engineers have harvested that is so exciting.
I love owning a car that is an ongoing science experiment. Sure, with the price of gas down to $2, it is not a pure economic return. But, the regular innovation and pushing of envelopes - both engineering and behavioral - are so exciting. If you want to share my excitement check out the SpaceX video/photos at http://www.spacex.com/webcast/ And, here is the Tesla Auto-Steer Video: http://techcrunch.com/2015/10/14/watch-this-self-steering-tesla-model-s-drive-itself-and-us-down-the-highway/#.f89dpmu:kb7I
2. Holiday Learning Exploration! Over the holiday vacation, I usually spend some time exploring new learning trends and technologies. Here are a few items that we are exploring:
- IOT and Learning: What are the implications for “Internet of Things” and learning and performance?
- Aggregated Assessment: Imagine a daily question that rolls up to a certification or performance indicator.
- Multi-Site Webinar Production: How do we weave together content experts from multiple locations into a high energy “experience”?
- Learning Apps: Rapidly creating apps that are laser focused on a learner’s needs and requirements.
- Dynamic Badges: Take the “scout badge” model and make it life-long and dynamically pushed.
- Learning Curation: What’s the role for a curator and/or a curation algorithm in learning organizations?
- Creative Compliance: Moving from massive assessment to targeted compliance sampling for increased results.
- The Empowered Learner: What happens when the learner truly gets power - even for design and delivery choices?
These are some of the innovations that we will be exploring and writing about. And, if you would like to dive into many of them, be part of our Learning Innovations LAB in Saratoga Springs from January 12 to 14. We have 8 seats still available. Details and last minute registration at: http://www.masie.com
3. An Invitation to Allegiance in New York City with MASIE Productions: We are excited to be Producers of Allegiance - an exciting, entertaining and moving musical on Broadway. We have scheduled a special gathering of our Learning friends and colleagues to join us in New York City at 2 PM on Saturday afternoon, January 23, 2016. Allegiance stars George Takei, Lea Salonga and Telly Leung. http://wwww.allegiancemusical.com .
I have blocked a set of discounted great seats and we will watch Allegiance together - and then there will be a special “Talk Back” with our group and some of our stars. I will join the Talk-Back to both moderate and also explore the relationship between theater and learning. And, we will have some eating and exploring options afterwards. If you want more information, please send me an email to emasie@masie.com and I will send you details. It will be an AWESOME afternoon.
Yours in learning,
Elliott Masie
Host, Learning 2016
Email: emasie@masie.com
Twitter: emasie
MASIE Center Seminars, Events and Services:
- Learning Innovations LAB - January 2016 - Saratoga Springs, NY.
- Gamification, Engagement & Learning - January 2016 - Saratoga Springs, NY.
- Membership in The Learning CONSORTIUM.
- Learning 2016 - October 23 to 26 - Orlando, Florida.
Info and Registration: http://www.masie.com