Sal Khan to Keynote Learning 2015

TO: Learning, Training & Performance Colleagues
FROM: Elliott Masie, Host - Learning 2015
DATE: March 18, 2015
RE: Sal Khan to Keynote Learning 2015!
I am honored to announce Sal Khan as our first Keynoter for Learning 2015 from November 1 to 4 in Orlando, Florida!
Featured Keynoter: Sal Khan - Founder, Khan Academy
Sal Khan has been one of the most recognizable Learning Change Agents in the world. The work and learning models of Khan Academy combine targeted design, responsive learning, Big Learning Data and highly focused content segments, which are right on focus for the Workplace Learning goals of Learning 2015 participants.
I will interview Sal in an interactive dialogue on these key learning issues:
- Learning Personalization
- Learning Duration
- Role of Video Segments
- Big Learning Data
- Repetitions in Learning
- Responsive Learning Systems
- Changing Learner Expectations
Sal Khan is the founder of the Khan Academy, a nonprofit with the mission of providing free, high-quality education to “anyone, anywhere” in the world. A former hedge fund analyst with degrees from MIT and Harvard, Khan is also the author of “The One World School House”, which explores the potential impact of the web as a teaching tool. It may be one of the most influential books about education in our time.
Khan’s first book, “The One World Schoolhouse: Education Reimagined”, was published to great acclaim in 2012. Innovators as varied as George Lucas and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Muhammed Yunus have hailed it as “a must-read.” Khan Academy programs and models are being adapted and applied to a growing range of major corporations around the world - and his work is on the key edge of “flipping” content with more targeting and personalization.
There will be 6 Keynotes, over 150 Learning Sessions, MeetUps and many more elements that include an active Gamification component in our design. We are pleased to have the following learning suppliers among the Sponsors of Learning 2015: Xerox, Skillsoft, Kaplan University, Intrepid Learning, Inc., CrossKnowledge, ANCILE, Richardson, Interactive Services, Maestro, Clarity Consultants, SkillDirector, Andromeda Simulations, EdAssist, Management Possible and Bluewater Learning.
Learning 2015 will be the 25th Annual MASIE Learning Conference. We have created a new website for Learning 2015 that will include a weekly Design Blog to share the engagement and design elements of the event. Check it out and take advantage of the Early Registration Discounts at
Yours in learning,
Elliott Masie
Chair, The Learning CONSORTIUM
MASIE Center Seminars, Events and Services:
- Membership in The Learning CONSORTIUM
- Learning Strategies LAB - With Doug Lynch and Elliott Masie - March 25 to 27 Saratoga Springs.
- Gamification & Learning LAB - With Elliott Masie - May 4 to 6 - Saratoga Springs.
- MOOCS & Corporate Learning - Host Elliott Masie - June 23 and 24 - Saratoga Springs.
- Learning 2015 - Nov 1 to 4 - Orlando, Florida.
Info and Registration: - twitter: emasie