903 - eLearning Course Abandonment, Learning Innovations LAB in March

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - January 15, 2016.
#903 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
57,184 Readers - www.masie.com - twitter: emasie - The MASIE Center.
Host: Learning Innovations LAB - March in Saratoga Springs, NY.
1. Abandonment in eLearning Courses?
2. Learning Innovations LAB - New in March 2016!
3. Invite to Allegiance in NYC on Saturday, January 23rd!
1. Abandonment in eLearning Courses? We are tracking a sharp rise in the abandonment rate in eLearning courses with multiple sections. Learners take the first session but don’t return for the next section. This can be seen acutely in the MOOC category where there is often an 85% abandonment of registered learners after the first few segments.
Let’s look at this with a curious eye. Why are learners successfully taking the first modules but not completing the entire thing?
- Interest Fulfilled! The learner “gets it” from the first module and does not really want to drill down to the finish. They are “learning skimming” the way one might with a newspaper article.
- Return If Needed! The learner feels they can always return at the moment of need later on - if they need it. The first module got them started and they can navigate back if needed.
- Forgot to Return! Our learners are busy. They want to return but things happen. And, many organizational Learning Systems don’t cutely remind the learner to return.
- Slippery Slope! Many learners want to return but will feel embarrassed to return to a scheduled session if they missed one segment. It’s a slippery slope.
- Sequence Locked! Some learners want to jump ahead to take a future segment, but the course may be locked to only allow sequential pathing.
- Non-Motivational Transition! While we initially pitched the course to the learner, many designers just assign the next segment. Keep pitching.
Learning Producers need to watch and learn from Television Producers about changing models of participation. Online video is getting shorter and we are allowing the viewers to either marathon or stretch out the viewing pattern, while still passing the needed Assessments. Learning Abandonment is a factor to include in our User Experience Design. We need to listen to the learning behaviors of our learners.
2. Learning Innovations LAB - New in March 2016! I just finished leading a powerful 2 1/2 day event in Saratoga called Learning Innovations LAB. Twenty-six learning colleagues from organizations around the world came together to experiment with and innovate possible new learning approaches in a Learn-A-Thon model. It rocked!
So, we are announcing the next session:
Learning Innovations LAB (and Learn-A-Thon).
March 14 to 16, 2016 - Saratoga Springs, NY USA.
Details and Registration: http://www.masie.com
Space is limited, so please register early.
3. An Invitation to Allegiance in New York City with MASIE Productions: We are excited to be Producers of Allegiance - an exciting, entertaining and moving musical on Broadway. We have scheduled a special gathering of our Learning friends and colleagues to join us in New York City at 2 PM on Saturday afternoon, January 23, 2016. Allegiance stars George Takei, Lea Salonga and Telly Leung. http://www.allegiancemusical.com
I have blocked a set of discounted great seats ($75) and we will watch Allegiance together. Then there will be a special “Talk Back” with our group and some of our stars. I will join the Talk-Back to both moderate and also explore the relationship between theater and learning. And, we will have some eating and exploring options afterwards. There are just a few seats left. If you would like to attend, please send a note to productions@masie.com as soon as possible. Can’t wait to see our learning colleagues at the theater next week!
Yours in learning,
Elliott Masie
Host, Learning 2016
Email: emasie@masie.com
Twitter: emasie
MASIE Center Seminars, Events and Services:
- Learning Innovations LAB - March 14 to 16 - Saratoga Springs, NY.
- Gamification, Engagement & Learning - January 2016 - Saratoga Springs, NY.
- Membership in The Learning CONSORTIUM.
- Learning 2016 - October 23 to 26 - Orlando, Florida.
Info and Registration: http://www.masie.com