905 - Barracuda Bowl for Learning - Our Own Shark Tank

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - Feb 1, 2016.
#905 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
57,199 Readers - www.masie.com - twitter: emasie - The MASIE Center.
Host: Learning Systems: LMS, LCMS, Social & More! - Chicago in April.
1. Barracuda Bowl for Learning: Shark Tank for New Systems.
2. Grease LIVE - Idea Jump to Internal Virtual Event?
3. Announcing: 3rd Learning Innovations LAB in May.
4. Follow Elliott Masie on Twitter: @emasie
1. Barracuda Bowl for Learning - Shark Tank for New Systems: What if we had a “Shark Tank” show for new Learning Systems Ideas? What if the developers, inventors or venture startups had to present their ideas quickly to a group of learning professionals - and got clear and unfiltered Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down?
While we don’t have Mark Cuban as a panelist, I am assembling the Learning Barracuda Bowl at our Learning Systems: LMS, LCMS, Social & More event in April.
We will invite a small group of developers and startups focused on the world of Learning Systems to present their ideas - and the hundreds of participants will be our Barracuda Bowl panelists. It is a compressed way to get some deep feedback as designers target the corporate learning space. Come join us. Details at http://masie.com/Learning-Systems/our-design.html
2. Grease LIVE - Idea Jump to Internal Virtual Event? Last night, millions watched an interesting story/theater/TV show: “Grease Live”. It was an elaborate production of a theater or movie version of Grease that is world famous. It was interesting to watch how they did this show live - on a huge set - so that the audience felt it was part of the happening now reality of the show.
It got me thinking about a challenge that many organizations have to meet: engaging the widest audience of employees, who are often scattered around the world, in a corporate event. Streaming a one-day or two-day-long conference generally does not work. People don’t/can’t engage for that duration with full attention. Yet, just streaming segments from an event may be helpful, but folks often skip those because they are not live.
What if major organizations took a lesson from Grease Live and other theater being delivered live on TV and created a short and targeted events, delivered live to the entire workforce?
Imagine a well-designed 75 minute “show” that included leaders, field employees and even some entertainment. It could be done once a year to engage the workforce. The “live” quality will create buzz and build a much bigger audience. Be brave if you are a retailer and consider closing your stores for 90 minutes to engage every employee. And, of course it can always be offered via on-demand streaming afterward.
Something to consider. If there is a TRENDS organization that wants to try this, I will volunteer my time as a co-producer to help with the experiment. Write me at emasie@masie.com
3. Announcing: 3rd Learning Innovations LAB in May: Our Learning Innovations LAB (with a Learn-A-Thon) is one of our most popular courses. The LAB in March is almost filled, so we have just added the 3rd Learning Innovations LAB this year: May 17-19th in Saratoga Springs, NY, USA. Come join us if you want to do a deep immersion for 3 days in the changing world of learning technology and innovations. Details and online registration at http://www.masie.com
4. Follow Elliott Masie on Twitter - @emasie: As many of our colleagues increase their use of Twitter as one of their social feeds, you can always follow me at @emasie. Random notes and resources posted occasionally.
Yours in learning,
Elliott Masie
Host, Learning 2016
Email: emasie@masie.com
Twitter: emasie
MASIE Center Seminars, Events and Services:
- Learning Innovations LAB - March 14-16 or May 17-19, Saratoga Springs, NY.
- Learning Systems: LMS, LCMS, Social & More! - April 27 and 28, Chicago, IL.
- Membership in The Learning CONSORTIUM.
- Learning 2016 - October 23 to 26 - Orlando, Florida.
Info and Registration: http://www.masie.com