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Experience Design - Optimizing & Planning Intensity!

TO: Learning Colleagues
FROM: Elliott Masie, Publisher, Learning TRENDS
RE: Experience Design: Prepping for Optimizing Learning!

Designing & Producing Experiences for Learning is quite different from developing a course or online module.  In just 12 days, we will have almost 2,000 global learning colleagues in Orlando for Learning 2018 and there will be some intense and engaging Experiences.  I have been traveling around the US in the past few weeks by plane and video to optimize these experiences:

I was off to Pennsylvania to meet with the learning leaders from Allan Myers construction company - who are driving their Construction Equipment simulator to Orlando.  I “drove” several major vehicles and lifted some major virtual boulders on their high tech and physically realistic simulator.  Wow!

Next, Richard Culatta (co-host at Learning 2018) and I flew to Norfolk, VA and met with the six police officers who became YouTube hits when their department did a lip-sync of “Uptown Funk” from Bruno Mars (over 75 million viewers).  They are coming to Learning 2018 to receive our Engagement Award and to fully participate in the event.  We met with them at the SWAT Team school to prep for their visit and Experience:

MIT and The MASIE Learning CONSORTIUM will be doing a real-time research project to study Brain Reactions to Complexity at Learning 2018.  Hundreds of participants will wear brain scan headbands and participate in a real-time experiment - with research results shared on the last day of the event:

Bloomberg is building and offering “Hour of Code” sessions (including one on Monday evening) to provide learning professionals with hands-on experience of doing real visual programming in an exciting 60 minutes.  And, they added a Photo Booth for learners to capture their experience:

Changing the tires on a NASCAR race car as a team requires learning, coordination and timing.  I’ve been working with our Pit Crew training team to prep for their arrival in Orlando as our colleagues suit up and have real time Experiences with tires, power tools and a countdown clock:

Experiences require a different and more hands-on design and production planning.  We invite you and your colleagues to register now for Learning 2018!  We have added more hotel rooms and we are ready for you.  Go to for details and registration: