1005 - Mad Scientist on Learning, Army Badges Dynamically Change, 100+ Learning Stories

Elliott Masie’s Learning TRENDS - August 10, 2018.
#1,005 Updates on Learning, Business & Technology Since 1997.
57,969 Readers - www.masie.com - The MASIE Center.
Host: Learning 2018 - Nov 4 to 7 - Orlando - 812 Colleagues Already Registered.
1. Elliott Named “Mad Scientist”
2. Dynamically Changing Army Skill Badge?
3. 100+ Learning Stories & Case Studies from Learning Implementers!
I hope that everyone’s summer (if you are in that part of the world) is going well. Here are a few Learning TRENDS notes:
1. Elliott Named “Mad Scientist”: On Tuesday, I was honored to be named a “Mad Scientist” by the US Army’s Training and Doctrine Command! We had an amazing gathering in Washington, DC looking at how the soldier in 2050 might learn. My task was to frame up some of the vectors that could alter or influence how a person might learn decades from now.
Here is my “Mad Scientist” proclamation, which demands that I “always seek the future boldly, actively question conventional wisdom and assumptions, and passionately challenge the status quo”: https://tinyurl.com/madscientistmasie
2. Dynamically Changing Army Skill Badge? One challenge that I gave to the military leaders assembled for the “Mad Scientist” conversation about learning in 2050 is to shift how they think about a “skill badge or medal.”
Each was wearing several badges for skills or competencies, from tank driving to rifle shooting to navigation. But, the badge indicated that they were “Ready” for that skill on a specific day - months or years ago.
Are they ready today? If the person had not practiced the skill in a while, perhaps the badge (through LED technology) would blink yellow. Or, if the person had a long party the day before, perhaps that badge might blink bright red. Imagine if data about performance, activity and even bio sensing would alter that badge. It would tell your colleagues a more immediate state of readiness. And, it would be prompt you to do an immersion simulation or learning update - before using the skill. Hmmmmm.
3. 100+ Learning Stories & Case Studies from Learning Implementers! Wow! We now have learning colleagues from major corporations and government agencies around the world leading Learning Stories and Case Studies at Learning 2018 (Nov 4 to 7 - Orlando).
These are high powered sessions and experiences, led by colleagues from companies that include: Amazon, Bloomberg, Google, Hilton, Marriott, Orlando Health, McKinsey & Company, Prudential, Visa and many more. Here is a sample of the organizations represented: https://www.learning2018.com/index.php/stories-content-case-studies/menu-id-294
And, a quick reminder to Learning TRENDS readers to take advantage of the Early Registration Discount which runs until the end of August. Go to http://www.learning2018.com for details and registration.
Yours in learning,
Elliott Masie
Email: emasie@masie.com
Twitter: @emasie
MASIE Center Seminars, Events and Services:
- Learning 2018 - Nov 4 to 7 - Orlando (Early Registration Discounts Now Open)
- Membership in The Learning CONSORTIUM
Details and Online Registration: https://www.masie.com
Learning TRENDS is produced by The MASIE Center. 95 Washington Street, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866