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147 - Video Conferencing Technology Gets Smaller and Cheaper; Gizmos 98 Does Awesome Slide Shows; Knowledge Management on the Component Level

1. Video Conferencing Technology Gets Smaller and Cheaper! We just
received a new video-conferencing system for use at TechLearn. SONY has
issued its Compact system and it is, in both size and price. For about
$5,000, we now have a 12 inch by 12 inch system that does way more than the
$50,000 room system in our office. The Compact does 30 frames per second
(via ISDN lines) and has a very cool feature that follows the speaker, once
you select a patch on their clothing or face. We will be using the Compact
at TechLearn to bring in a few guests to our General Session and it is fully
equipped for the task. So, we will pack in in our carry-on luggage and be
ready and able. The url is (We
paid for the unit, so this is a fully neutral plug!)

2. Gizmos 98 Does Awesome Slide Shows: While talking about cool and useful
technology, check out the plug-in set of Windows 98 called Gizmo '98 from
Play. We are using their Performer tool to create high impact graphic
presentations for our General Sessions. The transitions in the $48 package
are incredible. They allow television production type effects and
graphics, including dropping in our slides as files from PowerPoint. Check
out this tool that should be in every trainer's kit at

3. Knowledge Management on the Component Level: Watch for a shift in the
dialogue about Knowledge Management in the months ahead. While there will
continue to be an Enterprise Knowledge Management field, we are seeing the
growth of a component level dimension of KM. For example, Microsoft is
focusing on their Digital Dashboard, as a Knowledge Management component,
linked to a back end system (Exchange and Outlook). We will also see
Knowledge Management elements popping into training and learning systems.
Watch for Knowledge CAPTURE component tools, to allow companies to rapidly
capture and circulate best practice objects around the organization.

4. TechLearn '99 Forums Open for Dialogue: We have started the TechLearn
'99 Community, as an open forum for the 2,500 folks coming to Orlando.
There are discussion sections open for topics like e-learning, supply chain
learning; a jobs board and social events. These forums will stay live
after TechLearn. Check them out at

We have about 50 seats left for TechLearn '99 and there are hotel rooms on
our shuttle bus route. Go to for information
and real-time registration.

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