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Profiles in Learning: A TechLearn Project

Profiles in Learning: A TechLearn Project

We would like to use the 2,500 person TechLearn '99 Community to focus on
the Learner. What does the Learner want or desire from our expanding
capability to deliver training using technology? How does the Learner
actually learn today? And, what is on the wish list of the Learner, as new
technologies enter the learning world?

We have designed a simple and exciting process for looking at these
questions. We are asking each TechLearn attendee to spend 20 minutes
between now and the Conference talking to a Learner. This person could be
a colleague at work, a member of your family, even someone sitting next to
you on the plane to Orlando. We wanted to do this the week before the
event, so that the conversation would be fresh in our minds as we tackle
key issues at TechLearn.

This is an "oral history" interview. . Listen as they talk about how they
have learned things and how they would like to learn them in the future.
You can take some notes or just keep it in your head. At TechLearn, we
will ask you to enter a few elements from these interviews into a database
(anonymously). If you can, find out the approximate age and educational
background of the Learner.

Here are a few focus areas to explore with your Learner:

How do you learn new things? (Read, take classes, on-line, doing, etc).
How do you make Learning Choices?
How has your style of learning changed (or not changed) over the years?
What helps or hurts your learning process?
What has been your experience using technology for learning?
Who was your favorite teacher of all time and why?
If you could look into the future a few years, what would be an ideal,
wonderful use of technology to assist your learning?

The goal of this survey is to help you, the TechLearn attendee, focus on
how Learners want to learn. If you are so inclined, do a few of these
interviews. And, if you are too busy, ask a few people at TechLearn some
of these questions.

Enjoy the process. People love to talk about this topic. Listen!


1) Check out the on-line TechLearn '99 Community Discussion Forums:

2) Musicians Needed: If you are a jazz musician, join us for a JAM SESSION
on Monday nights. These are wonderful sets...with our resident Jazz Band.
We have piano, drums, bass and sax. Bring along an instrument. Check out
the Musicians WANTED area on

Have a safe trip to Orlando!

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