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What is Your Learning Support Agreement (LSA)?

TO: Learning and Training Colleagues
FROM: Elliott Masie, The MASIE Center

RE: What is Your Learning Support Agreement (LSA)?

Here is a new term: LSA. Learning Support Agreement. Imagine a short
statement detailing the learning support services that one can expect to
receive when they sign up for a training experience. A classroom seminar
may have a very different LSA than an on-line course. A short web based
tutorial may have a different LSA (and price) than a 3 month distance
learning certification program. Yet, each experience has a learner (and a
provider) who can benefit from clarity about roles and expectations.

Here are some of the categories that could be covered by a LSA:

a) Learning Coaching: When the learner needs assistance in processing the
information from the class, what services are available? Do they go to the
instructor, to a support center and what will they receive?
b) Technology Assistance: When the learner has difficulty with using
learning technology, who should they turn towards? Is it the sole
responsibility of their organization or does the learning provider have
resources to help?
c) Response Time: When I have a question in a small seminar, my
expectations for response time are short.a few minutes at the most. When I
have a question in a larger lecture class, my response time expectations get
recalibrated. When I am a learner in a distributed learning experience,
what type of turn-around time for learning services should I expect?
(Minutes, Hours, or Days?)
d) Mode of Learning Support: What are the delivery modes for learning
support? Is everything contained in the class FAQ's? Do I have the ability
to talk to the instructor? What if I don't like email? Or, in some
instances, there is no support are just buying access to a
computer based class without coaching support.
e) Collaborative Expectations: What is the expectation for peer support
during the learning event? Is it my role to assist other people taking the
course or is that an optional activity on my part?
f) Remediation Options: If I need to take a class or module again, is
that an option? Are there asynchronous versions of our synchronous classes
available for viewing and repeat exposures? Can I take modules from
earlier programs that may assist with some pre-requisites that are
g) Documentation Services: What will the learning provider document about
my participation in this program.
h) Duration of Access: How long do I have access to the content from the
class? Does it "linger" for years, much as my college textbooks or does it
evaporate at a specified time?

The idea for a Learning Support Agreement is triggered by the explosion of
offerings in the training marketplace. The expectations for traditional
classrooms were pretty clear and could be explained at the start of the
class. Yet, when taking on-line and other technology delivered programs,
the LSA is needed to help all of the players understand the expectations.

LSA's will also help the marketplace discern value and price points when
looking at a vast number of similar programs. Buyers can more clearly value
the component elements of a program when they can understand the LSA.

Here is an example of some of the components of a Learning Support Agreement
for an on-line class:

1) Pre-Class: Learners will be provided with a list of on-line articles and
resources for review prior to the start of the class. Learners can also
take an on-line self-assessment quiz to ascertain their readiness to take
this program.

2) During Class: The primary method for accessing the instructor will be
emails and threaded discussions. Once a week, the instructor (or a
teaching assistant) will be available for a real-time on-line chat. The
response time for learner questions will be between 24 and 48 hours.

3) Post Class: All class materials will remain accessible to students in
the program for 12 months. All post class support will be provided in the
threaded discussions and FAQ posting.

4) Technical Support: First level technical support should be accessed from
your internal IS group. Email requests for additional technical assistance
should be directed to our support desk at the email provided below.

Learning Support Agreements will take on different tones, scopes and styles.
They might be more conversational and less legal. They could focus more
clearly about what is NOT included (though marketing folks may object). The
idea of this article is to spark a dialogue about the LSA. The MASIE
Center believes that LSA's can add a great deal to both the learner and the
marketplace. We will be hosting a session at TechLearn '99 focused on
Learning Support Agreements.

Send your comments and reactions to and we will post these in
a future TechLearn Trends. Permission granted to post and circulate this

TechLearn '99 will be held in Orlando, Florida - Oct 31 to Nov 3, 1999 -
1,692 Registered Already --- for details and
on-line registration.

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