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138 - Portals - Portals - Portals Everywhere!; Results from Vacation and Technology Survey

(Quick Notes on a Summer Day in Saratoga Springs!)

1. Loretta LaRoche Featured on PBS - Relax, You Only Have a Few Minutes
Left: If you are in the United States, your local PBS station should be
running a new show by Loretta LaRoche, the queen of stress management and a
keynoter at TechLearn '99. Loretta's latest show is called Relax, You Only
Have a Few Minutes Left. She has an incredible ability to make people
laugh (and tear) by focusing on some of the funny things we do in our daily,
busy lives. Loretta is going to be offering 2 FREE pre-conferences at
TechLearn '99 on Sunday, Oct. 31 and will also be doing a keynote session.
Check this website for information and listings on her PBS show:

2. Portals - Portals - Portals Everywhere!: In the last few weeks, five
more portals have popped on the learning scene. Portals are efforts to
build public or internal single point of access sites for learning from
multiple sources. The portal frenzy has led to an invitation by the folks
from the U.S. Department of Labor's America Learning eXchange and The MASIE
Center to have a meeting of portals (announced and upcoming) at TechLearn
'99. We will start with a conference call in September and have a face to
face meeting and panel on Portals at TechLearn '99. If you are an executive
at a portal company, please contact me at and we will get
you involved in the portals, portals everywhere discussion.

3. Results from Vacation and Technology Survey: 1,493 of your colleagues
responded to our recent survey on the use of technology during vacations.
The complete results are at Here are a few
tidbits: 32% of the respondents brought a laptop along; 49% of the folks
checked email during their vacation; 696 people checked their work voice
mail while on vacation; and 293 people read a business book on a recent

4. Feedback from Readers on Language Training: Here are some comments from
TechLearn Trends readers responding to a query about the state of language

5. Women in Training and Learning: Diane Hessan has agreed to host our
Women in Training and Learning Symposium at TechLearn. If you would be
interested in participating or helping to facilitate this sessions, please
send a note to

6. TechLearn '99 is Filling Fast! We now have 1,714 registrations and they
are coming in at the rate of 25 per day. There will be a hard design limit
of 2,500 paid participants and we expect to reach that in early Fall.
PLEASE REGISTER SOON! Just go to for details and
on-line registration. Remember, members of ASTD, ISA, ITTA, CEdMA and The
MASIE Center receive a special discount of $100 off tuition. Dates for
TechLearn are October 31 to November 3, 1999.

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