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164 - People on The Move: Curtis Uehlein to CEO at Provant & Michael Saylor Donates $100 Million for Free On-Line University

1. Free B2B e-Learning Report from Thomas Weisel Partners: We are pleased
to provide a free copy of a 52 page analysis of the Business to Business
e-Learning Industry, prepared by Fred McCrea, R. Keith Gay and Rusty Bacon
of Thomas Weisel Partners. You can read or print the report at our website:

2. Thank You!!! Condolences and Digital Mourning: I cannot tell you how
much I and my family appreciated the 1,700 email messages from Trends
Readers after the passing of my mom. It was so warming to read your notes
and I noticed how many of us have recently dealt with the passages of our
parents. When it was time to plan Dorothy's funeral, we were faced with
another dilemma of the mobile age. Her best friends are 102 and 89 and live
in Miami. Her brother is 84 and not in good health. How could they
participate in mom's funeral in Saratoga Springs? We decided to use a
Digital Collaboration set of technologies to hook 37 of her friends into the
funeral via a telephone conference call. They were so touched and moved to
hear the words and songs of the funeral. We also discreetly captured the
funeral on video and posted a few edited segments on the web so her friends
could see and hear. MSNBC did a very touching story on the process and a
tribute to my mom. It was an example of how the technology is powerful if
it can be used to link people and enrich their human experiences. The MSNBC
story is at

3. Sam Donaldson to Report on e-Commerce at e-Learning Business Conference:
We are honored to have Sam Donaldson as a keynote speaker at next week's
Business of On-Line & E-Learning Conference in Seattle, Washington. Sam
will be talking about his own ventures into becoming an on-line content
provider ( and the way in which we might use the news
gathering process as a learning example for the training industry. If you
are provider or vendor in the industry, there are only 10 seats left.
Register on-line at

4. People on The Move: Curtis Uehlein to CEO at Provant: Yesterday, Provant
( announced that Curtis M. Uehlein would take the
role CEO, in addition to his current role as President and COO. They also
appointed Reg Murphy, an outside board member, as Chairman of the Board.

5. Michael Saylor Donates $100 Million for Free On-Line University:
Computer software billionaire Michael Saylor is donating $100 million to
start an online university he says will offer a free "Ivy League" education
to anyone. "Done right, this will impact the lives of millions of people
forever," Saylor told The Washington Post in an interview. "Done wrong, it's
just noise in a can. Saylor, 35, is chief executive of Microstrategy, a
software company based in suburban Vienna, Va. His personal wealth actually
dropped in the last few days, as the company lost ground on Wall Street.
The news story is available at

MASIE Center News:
Our e-Learning Briefing in Washington, DC in April has 35 available spots.
It is a 2 day, vendor neutral look at the world of on-line and e-learning
products, approaches and strategies. Complete agenda and on-line
registration at

Learning Decisions Interactive Newsletter: Only $195 for a year with
monthly in-depth research.


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