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165 - The Clash Between the Stock Market and the Learning Marketplace; Digital Surrounds Research

1. The Clash Between the Stock Market and the Learning Marketplace: We are
monitoring a growing disconnect between the conversation in the Stock
Market world re: e-learning and what is actually happening in the Learning
Marketplace, where real buyers are buying real products and services.
Over the past few months, I have been getting very restless as I hear the
size of the predictions coming from Wall Street about the growth of
e-Learning. Clearly, this is an incredible segment where we will see large
scale implementation of learning with technology, but I am not sure that I
fully trust the size of the predictions that are being driven by folks
wanting to secure funding for the space. The ramp up rate in actual
corporations seems to be steady but more realistic then predictions that
50% of all learning will be e-learning in a short timeframe.

Likewise, it is a good time to take a look at the advice that e-business
stock players are giving e-learning companies. They would have us drop all
of our instructional language, package ourselves as B2B projects, decrease
the services component of our businesses and it just doesn't make sense.
Now, more than ever, we need robust authoring tools and systems, we need
the ability of groups to access services and we need large scale content

The stock market is a great way to raise capital. Yet, the real
marketplace that I am interested in lives in the actual building of
e-learning capabilities within real organizations. We are seeing some
confusion "back-wash" into the learning marketplace from the size of the
hype of the capital markets. e-Learning will be a business for decades to
come, let's measure it in more than 90 day cycles!

2. Digital Surrounds Research - Executive Summary: Several weeks ago, we
conducted a survey on the sue of Digital Surrounds, the addition of
e-learning components to traditional instructor led, classroom based
training experience and enhance the offering by adding technology before,
during and after the in-person meeting. Here is an executive summary:

Components Organizations Are Currently Using in Digital Surrounds:
Email Access to Instructors - Post Class (67%)
Links and Resources to Internet - (57%)
On-Line Pre-Work (39%)
On-Line Assessment and Testing (38%)
On-Line Courseware and Textbooks (38%)
FAQ Listings (28%)
Virtual Classroom or Chat Room Scheduled (18%)
Digital Field Trips in Class (165)
Media Streaming of Classes (11%)

In each of these categories, the 1,360 respondents reported significant
planned growth of Digital Surrounds. Alarmingly, when we asked
respondents about trainer readiness and acceptance of integrating
technology and training, 62% felt some of their trainers were skeptical or
resistant to integrating technology and training.

The in-depth results and analysis of the data is being distributed to all
Learning Decisions Interactive Newsletter subscribers. If you would like to
subscribe, just go to

3. Virtual Resource Site for Teaching with Technology from UMUC-Bell
Atlantic: Here is a great site with super resources for Teaching with
Technology. Posted by University of Maryland University College and
Bell-Atlantic. Check it out:

4. Learning Quotation: Passenger on Delta Airlines Flight

I was sitting next to a engineer from Oklahoma on a flight last week. When
we got to talking about e-learning, this is what he said:

"I want to learn something new everyday! If you can help me access
structured knowledge chunks on a daily basis, that will be a dream come
true. But, they have to be engaging, easy to use, audio and video based
where appropriate, from a source I trust and work without a hitch on my
desktop and home based laptop. If you can deliver that, sign me up!"

5. Digital Collaboration Conference with ASTD Focuses on Corporate
Collaboration: We are getting a great response to our new event, Digital
Collaboration, that will be held in conjunction with the ASTD Conference in
Texas on May 22 to 24th. The conversation at this event will be about more
than just e-learning. We will look at how organizations will leverage
technology and new processes to link and collaborate with employees and
customers. Help invent the next era of digital collaboration. On-line
registration and information at

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